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Star Jalsha launches its new show ‘Love Biye Aajkal’

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A fresh take on a new-age relationship seen through the lens of a contract marriage.

Gone are the days of ‘eternally unconditionally yours’. In our fast-paced world, relationships are becoming increasingly transactional and fragile. Marriages are becoming short-lived; families are getting disintegrated easily. Have the equations of marriage and love also taken a new turn? Star Jalsha is all set to find the new age dynamic equations of romance and marriage through the lives of Omkar and Shraban in its upcoming new show ‘Love Biye Ajkal’.

The show evolves around the lives of two distinct individuals, Shraban and Omkar, brought together by an unexpected contract marriage due to compulsion. These days relationships have become notably delicate, often characterized by a prevailing apprehension towards making commitments, but this show takes an innovative twist by delving into whether love can blossom within the confines of a contract marriage.

Produced by Jisshu Ujjal Sengupta Productions, under Nilanjana Sengupta and Jisshu U Sengupta. ‘Love Biye Aajkaal’ promises to be a refreshing addition to Star Jalsha’s content bouquet, a must-watch for viewers. With its attractive premise, talented cast, and visionary production team, the show is poised to create ripples in the entertainment landscape.

Omkar, played by the seasoned actor from the Bengali film industry, Om Prakash Sahani, is a charismatic businessman owner of chains of Lounge & Bars in Kolkata. Shraban, portrayed by the talented newcomer Moumita Sarkar, is a musical prodigy.

What really happened in Shraban’s life that she had to perform in Scandal lounge and bar? And what made her accept the offer from Omkar – the offer to enter a contract marriage? The marriage that comes with a clause of ‘No Romance’.

jishu sengupta Nilanjana bhowmik Om Prakash Sahani,

To find the answers, to watch a unique narrative and captivating chemistry between the two leads, tune into the premier of ‘Love Biye Aajkaal’ on 28th August at 8:30pm only on Star Jalsha.

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