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‘Pokkhirajer Dim’ Gears Up for an Enchanting Journey with Jio Studios and SVF Entertainment

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We recently held the auspicious muharat ceremony for our upcoming release, “Pokkhirajer Dim”, a collaborative production between Jio Studios and SVF Entertainment. Filming for this eagerly anticipated film, “Pokkhirajer Dim,” starts in mid-September. The production is under the capable stewardship of SVF Entertainment, and it is being produced by Jyoti Deshpande, Shrikant Mohta, and Mahendra Soni.

“Pokkhirajer Dim” will be skilfully directed by Soukarya Ghosal. This film delves into the enchanting world of Ghoton, a character familiar to those who remember their previous encounter with him in “Rainbow Jelly.” Once captivated by the allure of culinary dreams, Ghoton is now poised to embark on yet another captivating journey of self-discovery.

Returning to reprise their roles as Ghoton and Poppins are the talented Mahabrata Basu and Anumegha Banerjee. Additionally, Anirban Bhattacharya and Shyamal Chakraborty will make significant contributions to the film, adding to its overall prominence and appeal.

We are delighted to share a few memorable moments from the muharat ceremony with you. We kindly request you to stay tuned for the captivating story that “Pokkhirajer Dim” is set to unfold.

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