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RMB Kolkata and iLEAD Host “Letz Empower” Training Conclave Featuring Distinguished Speakers

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Kolkata, September 23, 2023: RMB Kolkata in association with iLEAD on September 23, 2023, hosted a transformative day-long training conclave “Letz Empower.” The event witnessed the convergence of exceptional guest speakers, transcending barriers to inclusivity and knowledge-sharing.
The conclave, held at the iLEAD campus, unfolded with dignitaries from diverse fields, generously sharing their invaluable insights with a diverse audience.

RMB Kolkata and iLEAD Host "Letz Empower" Training Conclave Featuring Distinguished Speakers

First among the distinguished speakers was Rtn. Vajawanti Bose, a prominent figure in Emotional Empowerment Coaching, Public Speaking, and Authorship. Ms. Bose eloquently implored attendees to embrace the power of taking small steps, even in the face of adversity.

Following suit, Rtn. Kaushik Sen, a seasoned Financial Markets Expert with an MBA in Finance from Pune University, took center stage. His address revolved around the compelling concept of “Real Wealth.”
The third speaker, Mr. Pradip Chopra, a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, and Chairman of iLEAD and PS Group, captivated the audience with his remarkable journey from a Chemistry Hons. Graduate at the University of Calcutta to an influential figure in the world of entrepreneurship. His mission to transform waste into wealth resonated deeply.

The midday session saw Mr. Avelo Roy, MD at Kolkata Ventures, Start-up Mentor, and TEDx Speaker, lead the audience on an inspiring journey from engineering to entrepreneurship. His insights covered diverse startup-related topics, including crafting compelling pitch decks, effective networking, enhancing valuation, and winning over investors.

RMB Kolkata and iLEAD Host "Letz Empower" Training Conclave Featuring Distinguished Speakers

Mr. Sanjay Jha, a Software and Digital Technology Professional, delivered a captivating session, emphasizing the art of “connecting the dots” and the paramount role of networking in contemporary business landscapes.
Mr. Gautam Mandal, an NLP and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, addressed a pressing issue of our times – stress. He cited alarming statistics, shedding light on rising heart attack rates and the global menace of stress.

Approaching the event’s culmination, Rtn. Ruby Ray, a Ventre-preneur, Mindpreneur, and IIMC Alumni, engaged the audience with her unique perspective. Celebrating creativity, innovation, and perpetual growth, she explored the evolution of branding over 8,000 years, underscoring the contemporary significance of storytelling and emotional connections.

RMB Kolkata and iLEAD Host "Letz Empower" Training Conclave Featuring Distinguished Speakers

Rounding off this intellectually stimulating conclave was Rtn. Sudipta Kundu, a Digital Marketing Expert and Growth Strategist. He masterfully mapped the path to successful digital marketing, humorously referencing AI’s ability to both nourish and lull us to sleep while underscoring the importance of flawless execution

“Letz Empower” provided an entire day filled with a succession of enlightening and interactive sessions featuring industry luminaries. Students and attendees left with enriched minds and empowered spirits, having seized this exceptional opportunity for personal and professional growth.

About iLEAD
iLEAD– The Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development is a world-class premier institute based in Kolkata. We offer degree courses in media, management, design, technology, allied health, tourism and other professional studies both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels under the iLEAD School of Business, iLEAD School of Creativity and iLEAD School of Science and Technology. Rated as the 4th Best Media School in India by KPMG, recognized by the ASSOCHAM Education Excellence Awards 2014 for endeavor to become visible in certain SAARC countries, adjudged College of The Year in t2 Festopolis 2017, the Best Co-Curricular Activity College at Gurukul Awards 2017, Best Entrepreneurship Development Program Institute at the Sankalp Education Awards 2019, iLEAD, is affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology with 16+ international university collaborations.
About RMB Kolkata
RMB Kolkata or Rotary Means Business Fellowship encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them. The purpose of this Fellowship is to raise the prevailing standards of excellence in business to even higher levels. To attain this goal, we propose the exchange of business, referring fellow Rotarians to members of various industry in our circle of contacts.

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