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Bishohori on hoichoi: Mythology Meets Mystery in This Thrilling New Series

Explore the thrilling world of Bishohori, hoichoi’s new Bengali series blending mythology, suspense, and a haunting 200-year-old mystery. Streaming February 14.

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Kolkata, February 7 – Hoichoi, the leading Bengali OTT platform, has dropped the trailer for its highly anticipated series Bishohori. This spine-chilling thriller is set to captivate audiences with its blend of mythology, suspense, and an age-old mystery. Featuring Solanki Roy as Rajnandini, the series promises an immersive experience when it starts streaming exclusively on February 14.

With a setting rooted in the grandeur of the Nagpanchami festival and a gripping storyline that unravels a 200-year-old curse, Bishohori is already creating waves in the entertainment world. Here’s what you can expect from this thrilling new addition to hoichoi’s repertoire.

Bishohori poster featuring Solanki Roy as Rajnandini

The Plot: Where Mythology Meets a Sinister Mystery

Set against the vibrant celebrations of Nagpanchami, the two-minute trailer teases a narrative that quickly shifts into a dark and unsettling tale. The joyous festival is marred by a series of mysterious deaths linked to venomous snakebites.

As protagonist Rajnandini enters the enigmatic Mitra household, she discovers an ancient curse that has plagued the family for generations. A locked chamber, a divine idol of Maa Manasa glowing mysteriously, and a lineage haunted by tragedy all combine to create an atmosphere of eerie suspense.

This compelling narrative is steeped in Bengal’s rich mythology and folklore, providing an intriguing backdrop that blends faith, fear, and human curiosity.

Solanki Roy Shines as Rajnandini

Renowned actress Solanki Roy leads the cast as Rajnandini, a bold and fearless woman determined to uncover the truth. Speaking about her role, Solanki shared, “Rajnandini is unlike any character I’ve played before—bold, curious, and unafraid to challenge deep-rooted beliefs. Bishohori is a gripping blend of myth and mystery, and I can’t wait for the audience to unravel this journey with me.”

The series also stars Rohaan Bhattacharjee and Koushik Roy in pivotal roles, bringing depth and nuance to this haunting tale. With a stellar cast and the visionary direction of Srijit Roy and Souvik Chakraborty, Bishohori promises an unparalleled cinematic experience on the small screen.

Solanki Roy in a still from Bishohori

What Makes Bishohori a Must-Watch?

  1. Unique Blend of Myth and Mystery: The series dives into Bengal’s folklore while maintaining a suspenseful modern narrative.
  2. Strong Performances: With Solanki Roy at the helm, viewers can expect a gripping portrayal of a woman unearthing dark secrets.
  3. Eerie Atmosphere: From the glow of Maa Manasa’s idol to the haunting visuals of the Mitra mansion, the series creates a chilling ambiance that keeps audiences on edge.

Fans of thrillers and mythological tales will find Bishohori both compelling and binge-worthy.

Conclusion: Stream Bishohori Exclusively on hoichoi from February 14

With its intriguing premise and a powerful cast, Bishohori is poised to become a standout series on hoichoi. Don’t miss this thrilling exploration of faith, mystery, and a dark family curse.

Mark your calendars for February 14, and dive into the world of Bishohori only on hoichoi. Share your thoughts on the trailer in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates!

Rajnandini standing in the ominous Mitra mansion from Bishohori

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