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Aakhar Gujarat Festival: A Celebration of Gujarat’s Rich Literary Heritage

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The Prabha Khaitan Foundation (PKF) is gearing up to showcase the vibrant tapestry of Gujarat’s rich regional literature and heritage through the “Aakhar Gujarat Festival.” Scheduled to take place at The Sports Club, Ahmedabad, on January 7th, the festival is poised to be a day-long celebration preceding the ‘Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit – 2024.’ The event aims to promote and honor the diverse linguistic and creative expressions that define Gujarat.

Aakhar, an initiative of the Prabha Khaitan Foundation, strives to protect and promote regional languages across India, including Rajasthani, Punjabi, Gurumukhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bhojpuri, Chhattisgarhi, Maithili, Magahi, Odia, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, and more. The festival provides a unique platform for Indian authors proficient in regional languages to intimately engage with a specialized audience, exploring the intricate details of regional literary traditions that unveil the essence of India – a nation defined by its vast diversities.

The festival promises a day-long immersive experience, featuring six engaging sessions with insightful panel discussions, enthralling poetry and storytelling, three mesmerizing performances, and captivating showcases. Renowned literary figures, esteemed artists, and icons will converge to share their insights and delve into the rich cultural landscape of Gujarat.

On the literature and discussion front, the festival boasts participation from eminent names such as Joravarsinh Danubhai Jadav, Vijaygiri Bawa, Hiten Kumar, Sheetal Shah, Vaishal Shah, Prof. Tirthankar Rohdia, Vasant Gadhvi (Retired IAS), Dalpat Padhiar, Dr. Mavji Maheshwari, Dr. Kanti Gore, and Kirit Goswami, among others. The day will also be filled with gala and soulful performances by Abhisingh Rathore, Bharat Bari & Akshay Patel, and Ravi Maru Music Team.

Anindita Chatterjee, Executive Trustee of Prabha Khaitan Foundation, expressed, “By bringing together renowned personalities and talented artists of the state, through the Aakhar Gujarat Festival, we offer a stage to spotlight the beauty and depth of Gujarat’s rich history, language, and culture. Our aim is to inspire a deeper appreciation for the state’s linguistic history and encourage its continued exploration and growth.”

Collaborating with Karma Foundation, Ahmedabad, PKF aims to make the festival a grand affair. Karma Foundation focuses on sustainable development by uniting individuals and organizations to create tangible change through literature, education, cleanliness, women empowerment, health, and environment, among other initiatives.

The festival promises thought-provoking discussions exploring the essence of Gujarat’s regional language, its evolving art forms, and the enduring impact of its cultural heritage on society. Attendees can look forward to fostering dialogue, exchanging ideas, and celebrating the unique literary and artistic expressions that define Gujarat’s identity.

Priyanshi Patel, Founder of Karma Foundation, emphasized their dedication to cultivating a culturally vibrant community through meaningful and mindful dialogues. She expressed pride in curating and managing the Aakhar Festival Gujarat, a unique celebration that embraces various dialects of the Gujarati language.

About Prabha Khaitan Foundation, it is a non-profitable trust based in Kolkata, founded by Late Dr. Prabha Khaitan. The foundation is dedicated to promoting performing arts, culture, education, literature, gender equality, and women’s empowerment through various initiatives and events spread across India and overseas.

The Aakhar Gujarat Festival stands as a testament to the commitment of Prabha Khaitan Foundation and Karma Foundation to celebrate and preserve the rich cultural and literary heritage of Gujarat. As the festival unfolds, it promises to be a memorable occasion for literature enthusiasts and cultural connoisseurs alike, providing a platform to revel in the beauty and diversity of Gujarat’s linguistic and artistic traditions.

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