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Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter Bidisha Mohanta Presents Moonstone Multimedia with a Spectacular Event at Skinny Mo’s

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Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter Bidisha Mohanta Presents Moonstone Multimedia with a Spectacular Event at Skinny Mo’s Kolkata, July 14, 2024: Bidisha Mohanta, a former finalist of India’s Got Talent is known for her soulful voice and captivating performances. Bidisha, a representative of Bengal’s rich musical heritage, marked a significant milestone in her career with the launch of Moonstone Multimedia, a pioneering music production house and record label that aims to foster new talent across India and beyond. Bidisha curated 'THE SET,' an exclusive musical event on July 14th, Sunday, at Skinny Mo’s Jazz Club. The event offered an unforgettable evening of music and creativity, featuring a special collaboration between Bidisha Mohanta and Coup Jean, along with captivating performances by Ashanis & Srinath. Raghab Chatterjee, the eminent singer of the industry, attended the event, glorifying its spirit. Additionally, Srijato Bandyopadhyay, an Indian poet of the Bengali language, Anindya Chottopadhyay, Director & Musician along with Joy Sarkar, a popular music composer, added melodious warmth to the evening. Bidisha has captivated audiences nationwide with her unique blend of traditional Bengali music and contemporary styles such as jazz. To further her mission in India, Bidisha has launched a music production house, Moonstone Multimedia. To mark this initiation, Bidisha organized this musical evening. The Set, hosted by Moonstone Multimedia, presented an unforgettable, dazzling night as one could dive into a mix of original songs and covers. This unique live music session delivered the much-needed cosy vibes during the monsoon season. Photo Caption: Left to Right Photo 1- Anindya Chottopadhyay, Director & Musician,Joy Sarkar, a popular music composer,Bidisha Mohanta, Singer Songwriter,Srijato Bandyopadhyay, an Indian poet of the Bengali language,Raghab Chatterjee, the eminent singer along with Coup Jean and Ashanis Photo3- Bidisha Mohanta, Singer, Songwriter and former IGT Finalist performing Jazz under her own banner Moonstone Multimedia.

Introduction to Moonstone Multimedia

Kolkata, July 14, 2024: Renowned singer-songwriter Bidisha Mohanta, a former finalist of India’s Got Talent, celebrated the launch of her new venture, Moonstone Multimedia, with an exceptional musical event at Skinny Mo’s Jazz Club. Moonstone Multimedia is a pioneering music production house and record label dedicated to nurturing new talent across India and beyond.

The Spectacular Event: ‘THE SET’

Bidisha curated ‘THE SET,’ an exclusive musical event held on July 14th. This event offered an unforgettable evening of music and creativity, featuring a special collaboration between Bidisha Mohanta and Coup Jean, as well as captivating performances by Ashanis & Srinath. The evening was a testament to Bidisha’s commitment to blending traditional Bengali music with contemporary styles, creating a unique and mesmerizing soundscape.

Star-Studded Attendance

The event saw the presence of industry stalwarts, further enhancing its charm and prestige. Eminent singer Raghab Chatterjee graced the occasion, lending his star power and support. Celebrated Bengali poet Srijato Bandyopadhyay, director and musician Anindya Chottopadhyay, and popular music composer Joy Sarkar also attended, adding a melodious warmth to the evening.

A Night of Musical Magic

‘THE SET’ was more than just a musical event; it was a journey into the heart of soulful melodies and harmonious rhythms. The audience was treated to a mix of original songs and covers, delivering the perfect cosy vibes for a monsoon evening. The collaboration between Bidisha and Coup Jean was particularly noteworthy, showcasing a seamless blend of their unique styles and musical prowess.

Bidisha Mohanta’s Vision

Bidisha has captivated audiences nationwide with her distinctive fusion of traditional Bengali music and contemporary jazz. The launch of Moonstone Multimedia represents her vision of creating a platform that not only celebrates musical diversity but also fosters the growth of emerging artists. Through Moonstone Multimedia, Bidisha aims to revolutionize the Indian music scene, providing a nurturing space for creativity and innovation.


The launch event at Skinny Mo’s Jazz Club was a resounding success, marking a significant milestone in Bidisha Mohanta’s illustrious career. Moonstone Multimedia is set to become a beacon for new talent, and with Bidisha at the helm, the future of Indian music looks promising and bright.

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