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AI Appreciation Day: CAHO and Dozee Join Hands for a CXO Meet, Highlights the Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

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· 50+ CXOs from leading healthcare institutions across India attended the confluence at Kolkata
· The main theme of the event was disruptive innovations impacting healthcare delivery and the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Kolkata, July 18, 2023: On the occasion of AI Appreciation Day, the Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations (CAHO) and Dozee, India’s first AI-based contactless remote patient monitoring (RPM) and early warning system (EWS), hosted a roundtable conference for CXOs of the healthcare industry. With an unwavering focus on integrating the extraordinary potential of artificial intelligence (AI) into the present healthcare landscape, the symposium stood as a testament to the pursuit of a future where healthcare is accessible and equitable for all.
Among the subjects discussed was the revolutionary potential of AI and cloud technology to transform healthcare. The conference also had an open house session where speakers deliberated on the challenges and opportunities that lie in the path of implementation of AI-based innovations. The event also provided an opportunity for indigenous solution providers to showcase their new cutting-edge innovations and elaborate on their budding potential.

AI Appreciation Day: CAHO and Dozee Join Hands for a CXO Meet, Highlights the Transformative Potential of AI in Healthcare

In her address, Dr. Lallu Joseph, Quality Manager, CMC Vellore and National Secretary General, CAHO, said, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is still in its early stages of adoption in healthcare, but its potential to improve patient outcomes and transform the industry is significant. Already demonstrating notable advancements in vitals monitoring, medical imaging, patient care, safety, drug discovery, and telemedicine, AI is poised to make healthcare delivery more efficient and affordable. By rapidly integrating technology with healthcare, we can alleviate the workload on nurses and healthcare professionals. By harnessing the power of AI and fostering ‘Made-in-India’ start-ups, healthcare can be transformed into a patient-centric, efficient, and equitable system, where every individual receives the care they rightfully deserve.”
Some of the key areas that were discussed during the conference are as follows: AI-based early detection of eye diseases for Population at Scale, Contactless Remote Patient Monitoring, Using AI for Remote Radiology Interpretation and How AI algorithms are made & how healthcare leaders can participate in its creation
A panel discussion on “Implementation of AI-Based Innovations” explored how AI can revolutionize healthcare by enhancing patient care, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. The panelists for the discussion included Mr. Supratik De Sarkar, Unit Head, BM Birla Hospital (BNB); Mr Subhasish Dutta, CGM Operations, Ruby Hospital; Mr. Sombrata Roy, Unit Head, CMRI; Mr. Subash Mohapatra, GMD, Desun Hospital; Dr. Partha Sarathi Mukherjee, ED, Indian Institute of Liver and Digestive Sciences (IILDS) and Mr. Pradip Tandon, CEO, Belle Vue as the chairperson for the panel.
During the panel discussion, Mr. Pradip Tandon, CEO, Belle Vue, the chairperson for the panel stated, “The integration of intelligence (AI), in the healthcare industry is ushering in a transformative change reshaping the way we diagnose and treat diseases. It is a revolution bringing together healthcare professionals and innovators to redefine the future of healthcare. The emphasis now lies in enhancing accessibility, affordability and quality propelled by the convergence of AI, startups and government policies. This convergence is paving the way for strides, in the field of healthcare.”
Elaborating further on increasing implementation of AI in healthcare, Mr. Pritish Gupta, Founding Member of Dozee said “In today’s healthcare landscape, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) holds tremendous potential to transform the industry and improve patient outcomes. At Dozee, we are dedicated to leveraging AI to make quality healthcare accessible, affordable, and available to all. By collaborating with healthcare professionals, government support, and other health-tech startups, we aim to address the gaps in healthcare and create a patient-centric, efficient, and equitable system. Together, we can harness the power of AI to enhance patient care delivery, reduce workload, and usher in a new era of healthcare excellence.”
The panelists unanimously agreed that AI-based remote patient monitoring (RPM) and early warning system (EWS) is the future of patient care. They believe that this technology has the potential to significantly reduce mortality and morbidity by providing real-time data to healthcare providers.
Amongst the other healthcare stalwarts who participated and attended the meeting, included Dr. Anand Sivaraman, Founder & CEO, Remidio Innovative Solutions), Dr. Debasish Bhattacharya Director, Disha Group of Hospitals, Mr. Rupak Barua, Group CEO, AMRI, Dr. Ayanabh Deb Gupta Co-Founder & Jt. Managing Director, and Dr. Soumitra Bharadwaj, Group President & CMO, Medica Hospitals Group.
The meet attracted 50+ CXOs and top executives from leading healthcare institutions from across India. The speakers highlighted the growing challenges in the current healthcare landscape and how Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Early Warning Systems (EWS) can help CXOs enhance patient safety and drive higher efficiency to achieve healthcare equity.

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