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Amita Chanda: Shining Bright as the Third Topper in ICSE Exams in Bengal

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A Star Emerges: Amita Chanda’s Remarkable Feat

Kolkata witnesses a wave of celebration as St. John’s School proudly announces Amita Chanda’s exceptional performance in the ICSE examinations. Amita’s remarkable achievement places her at the third position in the merit list of West Bengal, boasting a stellar score of 99.2%. Her dedication, hard work, and academic brilliance have earned her well-deserved recognition and applause from all quarters.

Beyond Academics: Amita’s Multi-faceted Excellence

Amita Chanda’s journey to success goes beyond academics. Alongside her outstanding academic performance, she has demonstrated prowess in various extracurricular activities, distinguishing herself as a well-rounded individual. Her achievements outside the classroom underscore her holistic development and showcase her as a true exemplar of excellence.

Honoring Excellence: St. John’s School’s Tribute to Amita

The entire school community is beaming with pride at Amita’s extraordinary accomplishment. In recognition of her dedication and success, St. John’s School has bestowed upon her a prestigious 100% scholarship for two years. This scholarship not only acknowledges Amita’s academic prowess but also reflects the school’s commitment to nurturing and supporting exceptional talent.

Fostering a Culture of Excellence

Amita Chanda’s achievement serves as a testament to St. John’s School’s unwavering commitment to excellence. The school’s conducive environment, coupled with dedicated faculty and robust support systems, empowers students to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams. Amita’s success story is a shining example of the school’s ethos of nurturing talent and fostering a culture of academic and holistic excellence.

A Beacon of Inspiration

As Amita Chanda basks in the glory of her remarkable achievement, she emerges not just as a topper in the ICSE exams but also as a beacon of inspiration for her peers and juniors. Her journey exemplifies the power of perseverance, determination, and hard work in the pursuit of excellence. Through her success, she inspires countless others to dream big, work hard, and strive for greatness.

In conclusion, Amita Chanda’s stellar performance in the ICSE exams is not just a personal triumph but a testament to the collective efforts of her school, teachers, and family. Her journey serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for students across Bengal, encouraging them to unleash their potential and reach for the stars.

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