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Anil and Sonam Kapoor Unite for Johnson’s® Baby “Protection ka Promise Pehle Din Se”

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Anil and Sonam Kapoor Unite for Johnson's® Baby "Protection ka Promise Pehle Din Se"

A New Chapter in Baby Care

Kolkata, 26 July 2024 – Johnson’s® Baby, a leader in baby skincare, launches its latest television campaign (TVC), featuring Bollywood’s illustrious actors, Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor. This heartwarming film, conceptualized by DDB Mudra, reinforces the brand’s unwavering commitment to protecting a baby’s delicate skin from day one with products formulated using only ‘baby-safe ingredients’.

A Touch of Bollywood Magic

The new film captures a fun banter between Anil and Sonam Kapoor as they don their real-life roles on reel, making reference to the veteran actor’s iconic role as ‘Mr India’ (1987). The film opens with Sonam bathing the baby with Johnson’s Baby Soap. As a concerned grandfather, Anil Kapoor expresses his worry about the baby’s delicate skin, noting how it can lose moisture after a bath and emphasizing the importance of ‘protection pehle din se’. What follows is a fun exchange between Sonam and the baby, who reacts with glee as she remarks, “Moisture gayab ho jaata hai? Mr. India hai kya?”

Highlighting Superior Baby Care

Sonam then goes on to highlight the superiority of Johnson’s Baby Soap, specially formulated with naturally derived glycerin and vitamin E. This gentle formula helps to protect the baby’s natural moisture and healthy skin barrier, making it the perfect choice for newborns from ‘pehle din se’.

Commitment to Trusted Care

Mr. Manoj Gadgil, Business Unit Head-Essential Health & Vice President Marketing, Kenvue, said, “Over the years, Johnson’s® Baby has been a trusted partner to parents, working consistently to deliver the best for their babies. We are now delighted to share our latest advertising campaign, featuring Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor. It aligns with our brand proposition to help protect from day one as we offer superior products created from only baby-safe, gentle ingredients to help protect a baby’s skin from day one. We are confident that this new film will resonate with mums.”

Personal Touches from the Kapoors

Anil Kapoor added, “Johnson’s baby is an iconic brand, a brand that has always been a trusted partner for parents like us in our parenting journey. It was in Johnson’s that Sunita and I trusted when our babies were born, from their first bath and first massage to many more milestones. I am delighted to be part of Johnsons’ latest campaign along with my daughter Sonam, which makes this campaign even more special to me. As a father, and now a grandfather, I cannot overstate the importance of choosing only trusted brands to help protect and provide the best care for your baby from day one.”

Sonam Kapoor shared her thoughts on the campaign, “Johnson’s baby is a brand we have all grown up to; it brings back many childhood memories. Today, as a mother, protecting my baby’s skin is of utmost importance. I only use brands which are baby-safe with gentle ingredients which help protect baby’s skin from day one. I am thrilled to be part of the Johnson’s baby campaign alongside my father. This collaboration is close to my heart because it reflects the love and dedication every parent feels for their child.”

Creative Insights

Harshada Menon & Siddhesh Khatavkar, Executive Creative Directors, DDB Mudra said, “When there’s a baby in the house, everything becomes fun. Which is why, for us, this series of ads are not really ads. They are fun instances that happen between a caring grandpa, a loving mom and a cute baby and Johnson’s baby products playing an active part in it.”

The highly anticipated ‘Protection* ka Promise, Pehle Din Se’ campaign goes live across prominent television channels, digital platforms, and social media networks. Over 1,000 influencer mums will go live, taking this promise ahead with the new campaign across social media platforms.

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