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Anupam Kher Robbery Case: Mumbai Police Arrest 2 Men for Stealing Cash, Film Negatives from Actor’s Office 

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Anupam Kher Robbery Case: Mumbai Police Arrest 2 Men for Stealing Cash, Film Negatives from Actor’s Office Anupam Kher is an Indian actor, director and producer who works predominantly in Hindi language films. He is one of the finest actors in Indian cinema and has played a variety of characters, including critically acclaimed, leading or supporting roles. He has received two national film awards and eight Filmfare awards. The government of India has also awarded him the Padma Shri in 2004 and the Padma Bhushan in 2016 for his contribution to Indian cinema Arts. He has been a part of movies like “ The Kashmir Files” “Kuch kuch hota hein” and “Hum Aapke Hein Kaun”, the actor will be next seen 'Tanvi The Great'. On June 20, 2024, Kher posted on X, sharing a video revealing that thieves had stolen a safe from the accounts office, along with the negatives of a film produced by his company. The actor has filed a police report (FIR) against the perpetrators. An excerpt from Kher's tweet reads in Hindi."Two thieves were involved in the crime. They broke through two doors and stole a safe from the accounts department, which they could not open. They also took the negatives of a film produced by the company, which were kept in a box," Kher shared in his post. Kher further mentioned that his office promptly filed a First Information Report(FIR), expressing confidence in the police's assurance of capturing the culprits soon."Our office has got an FIR done and police have assured thieves will be caught very soon," he affirmed.CCTV footage from the scene depicted the thieves fleeing in an auto-rickshaw with the stolen items, providing crucial evidence to aid in their identification and subsequent apprehension. Now In a significant breakthrough, Mumbai's Oshiwara police apprehended two individuals suspected of robbing actor Anupam Kher's office located in Andheri West's Veera Desai road, the police said the individuals, identified as Majid Sheikh and Mohammad Daler Bahrim Khan, arrested from the Jogeshwari area of Mumbai. Both suspects are known serial thieves who operate across different parts of the city using auto-rickshaws to facilitate their crimes, said police. The robbery at Anupam Kher's office coincided with another theft in Mumbai's Vile Parle area on the same day, underscoring a spree of criminal activities in the city. In a separate incident at an office situated in Mumbai's Andheri Veera Desai area, the Amboli police registered a case against an unidentified perpetrator. The case has been filed under sections 454, 457, and 380 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), pertaining to house-breaking and theft, as authorities initiate a thorough investigation into the matter. According to Mumbai police officials, the burglars forcibly entered Anupam Kher's office premises during the night, making away with cash and valuables amounting to approximately Rs. 4.15 lakh.

Anupam Kher is an Indian actor, director and producer who works predominantly in Hindi language films. He is one of the finest actors in Indian cinema and has played a variety of characters, including critically acclaimed, leading or supporting roles. He has received two national film awards and eight Filmfare awards. The government of India has also awarded him the Padma Shri in 2004 and the Padma Bhushan in 2016 for his contribution to Indian cinema Arts. He has been a part of movies like “ The Kashmir Files” “Kuch kuch hota hein” and “Hum Aapke Hein Kaun”, the actor will be next seen ‘Tanvi The Great’. 

Anupam Kher holding Padma Bhusan

On June 20, 2024, Kher posted on X, sharing a video revealing that thieves had stolen a safe from the accounts office, along with the negatives of a film produced by his company. The actor has filed a police report (FIR) against the perpetrators. An excerpt from Kher’s tweet reads in Hindi.”Two thieves were involved in the crime. They broke through two doors and stole a safe from the accounts department, which they could not open. They also took the negatives of a film produced by the company, which were kept in a box,” Kher shared in his post. Kher further mentioned that his office promptly filed a First Information Report(FIR), expressing confidence in the police’s assurance of capturing the culprits soon.”Our office has got an FIR done and

police have assured thieves will be caught very soon,” he affirmed.CCTV footage from the scene depicted the thieves fleeing in an auto-rickshaw with the stolen items, providing crucial evidence to aid in their identification and subsequent apprehension. 

Now In a significant breakthrough, Mumbai’s Oshiwara police apprehended two individuals suspected of robbing actor Anupam Kher’s office located in Andheri West’s Veera Desai road, the police said the individuals, identified as Majid Sheikh and Mohammad Daler Bahrim Khan, arrested from the Jogeshwari area of Mumbai. Both suspects are known serial thieves who operate across different parts of the city using auto-rickshaws to facilitate their crimes, said police. The robbery at Anupam Kher’s office coincided with another theft in Mumbai’s Vile Parle area on the same day, underscoring a spree of criminal activities in the city. 

In a separate incident at an office situated in Mumbai’s Andheri Veera Desai area, the Amboli police registered a case against an unidentified perpetrator. The case has been filed under sections 454, 457, and 380 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), pertaining to 

house-breaking and theft, as authorities initiate a thorough investigation into the matter. According to Mumbai police officials, the burglars forcibly entered Anupam Kher’s office premises during the night, making away with cash and valuables amounting to approximately Rs. 4.15 lakh.

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