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Anupam Roy’s Musical Masterpiece ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei’ Unveiled at Spectacular “Dawshom Awbotaar Song Launch Event on Prosenjit Chatterjee’s Birthday!

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Kolkata, September 30, 2023- In a spectacular celebration coinciding with the birthday of the iconic actor Prosenjit Chatterjee, the makers of the highly anticipated film “Dawshom Awbotaar” produced by Jio Studios and SVF Entertainment unveiled its first musical gem, “Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei,” a poignant creation by the multitalented Anupam Roy. The song launch event, held in grandeur, was attended by the who’s who of the industry and marked by a mesmerizing live performance by Anupam Roy himself.

Directed by the brilliant Srijit Mukherji “Dawshom Awbotaar” promises to be a cinematic masterpiece that has been eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike. The film is set to hit theaters an 19th October, creating waves of excitement among cinephiles.

The event, attended by luminaries from the film fraternity, saw the presence of the ever-charming
Prosenjit Chatterjee, the talented Jaya Ahsan, the versatile Anirban Bhattacharya, the visionary
director Srijit Mukherji, and the musical maestro Anupam Roy.

Anupam Roy, who has carved a niche for himself in the music industry, mesmerized the audience with his soulful renditions. He performed live songs that touched hearts and set the mood for the evening. Classics like “Amake Amar Moto Thakte Dao,” “Ekbar Bol”, “Benche Thakar Gaan” and others resonated with the audience, leaving them in awe of his musical prowess.

In the words of Prosenjit Chatterjee, “It’s an incredible feeling to celebrate my birthday with the release of ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei’ from ‘Dawshom Awbotaar Anupam Roy has once again worked his magic, and this song is a testament to his brilliance. I can’t wait for the audience to experience the magic of this film.”

Jaya Ahsan added, “Srijit Mukherji’s vision for ‘Dawshom Awbotaar’ is extraordinary, and Anupam Roy’s music beautifully complements it. ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei’ is a soul-stirring composition that captures the essence of the film.” Anirban Bhattacharya, who is known for his incredible acting prowess, said, “Working on this film has been an absolute delight. Srijit Mukherji’s storytelling and Anupam Roy’s music are a winning combination, and ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei’ is proof of that.”

Director Srijit Mukherji shared his excitement, saying, “The music of ‘Dawshom Awbotaar’ is integral to the film’s narrative. Anupam Roy has delivered a masterpiece with ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei, and I’m thrilled to see the audience’s response.”

Anupam Roy, the man of the hour, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Creating music for ‘Dawshom Awbotaar’ has been a creatively fulfilling experience. ‘Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei’ is very close to my heart, and hope it resonates with the listeners. It was a pleasure to perform some of my favorite songs at this event.”

With the stage set and anticipation soaring, “Dawshom Awbotaar” is all set to take audiences on an awaits unforgettable journey when it releases on 19th October. The soulful “Aami Sei Manushta Aar Nei” by awaits Anupam Roy is just a glimpse of the magic that awaits.

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