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Bhajanlal launches Samsung Smart Cafe at E-Mall Kolkata

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Bhajanlal Commercial Pvt Ltd, one of the leading multi-brand outlet chains,
today launched an exclusive Samsung Smart Cafe at the e-Mall in central Kolkata. The Smart Cafe was
formally inaugurated by Mr C K Choi, Expat – India 1, Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd.
“Samsung Smart Cafes are a new concept in retail outlets combining a traditional cafe with a retail store
thus allowing customers to relax and enjoy a drink or a meal while also browsing and experiencing
Samsung products. Kolkatans can experience the smart cafe located at the e-Mall which is at the very
heart of Kolkata,” said Mohan Bajoria of Bhajanlal Group.

“Bhajanlal is a story of ambition, dedication, and success that began with a small mobile recharge shop in
1995. Today, the brand offers a wide range of products, from mobile to accessories to music and sound
systems, TVs, gaming, smart gadgets, and other electronics, catering to people from all walks of life and
bringing smiles to their faces.

The brand has made its presence felt across Eastern & North Eastern India. Additionally, customers can
access Bhajanlal’s services online through the website
Living by its motto of “Service with a Smile”, Bhajanlal also supplies to corporate giants in industries such
as Iron & Steel, Hospitality, Plywood, Health Care, Textile, Hosiery, Jute, Real Estate, Paints, Cement, Film
& Music, and more. The brand also offers premium services such as free pickup and delivery of mobile
phones for service and repair.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhajanlal has also ventured into the zone of health and safety
products, doing its part to serve the nation and adding another noble feather to its cap. The company has
been the consecutive winner of the Times Business Awards for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and

Bhajanlal Commercial Pvt. Ltd. has become a household name in the world of consumer electronics, with
multiple stores across West Bengal and northeast India. With its commitment to providing quality
products and services with a smile, Bhajanlal is sure to continue inspiring and motivating many in the days
to come.

Mohan Bajoria: Mr Mohan Bajoria is a dynamic entrepreneur and modern-day visionary with a sharp focus on
dedication and hard work. His terrific presence of mind and ability to turn tides has been the driving force
behind the success of the Bhajanlal Group. A humble man with the air of a friendly neighbor, he has business
tactics and strategy in his DNA. It is no surprise that people flock to the mobile retail chain Bhajanlal, due to his
superhuman ability to read the demand of the situation and cater accordingly. His sweet-talking and alwaysavailable gestures have made him the face of the Bhajanlal brand, where satisfaction is served at the best price.
The legacy of Bhajanlal and the legend himself are two sides of the same coin. With his keen sense of
observation and in-depth knowledge of technicalities, he has the world in his grasp. We sincerely trust and
hope to see Bhajanlal among the stars very soon.

Jayant Bajoria: Mr Jayant Bajoria is a modern-day visionary and a true example of a young entrepreneur. After
graduating from St. Xavier’s College in Kolkata, he went on to pursue a Master’s in Business Administration
from S P Jain Global School of Management. With his sound technical knowledge and sharp eye for observation,
he has been able to successfully incorporate new methods and technology into his family business, leading to
impressive results. His never-say-die attitude and aggressive work ethic have made him a youth icon, and he
was even recognized as the Times Men of the Year 2018. With his natural talent and the guidance of his father,
Mr. Pawan Kumar Bajoria, and uncle, Mr. Mohan Bajoria, the Directors of M/s Bhajanlal Commercial Pvt. Ltd.,
Jayant is sure to take the family business to new heights. In fact, the company has already won the Times
Business Awards for five consecutive years, from 2018 to 2022.

Samsung: Samsung is a South Korean multinational electronics company that produces a wide range of
consumer electronics, appliances, and mobile devices. The company is one of the largest technology companies
in the world and has a significant presence in many global markets, including India. In India, Samsung is a wellestablished brand and is known for its smartphones, TVs, and home appliances. The company has a large
manufacturing facility in India and also has a strong retail presence across the country. Additionally, Samsung
has invested in research and development in India, and has a large R&D center in Bengaluru.
Samsung Exclusive Stores are retail outlets that are owned and operated by Samsung and exclusively sell
Samsung products. These stores are typically located in high-traffic areas and offer a wide range of Samsung
products, including smartphones, TVs, home appliances, and more. They also provide customers with the
opportunity to experience and interact with Samsung products before making a purchase.
Samsung Smart Cafes are a new concept in retail outlets that Samsung is experimenting with in some markets.
These cafes combine a traditional cafe with a retail store, allowing customers to relax and enjoy a drink or a
meal while also browsing and experiencing Samsung products. These stores are typically located in high-traffic
areas and offer a wide range of Samsung products, including smartphones, TVs, home appliances, and more.
Samsung Exclusive Stores and Smart Cafes are also present in India. They are located in major cities and offer
the latest Samsung products, as well as knowledgeable staff to answer questions and provide assistance.

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