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BIG FM Unveils Third Edition of ‘BIG Green Durga’ Campaign with Aparajita Adhya as the Face of the Initiative

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BIG FM Unveils Third Edition of 'BIG Green Durga' Campaign with Aparajita Adhya as the Face of the Initiative

~ The campaign emphasizes inclusivity, redefines traditions, and brings a new dimension to the Durga Puja celebrations ~

Kolkata, xx September 2024: BIG FM, one of India’s most prominent radio networks, officially rolled out the third season of its highly anticipated ‘BIG Green Durga’ initiative at a press conference on September 19, held at The Astor, Kolkata. The event witnessed celebrated actress Aparajita Adhya being introduced as the campaign’s ambassador. This year’s eco-friendly campaign aims to inspire citizens to contribute to a cleaner and greener city, with Aparajita expressing her enthusiasm and support for the movement. She highlighted the importance of practicing sustainability during Durga Puja and encouraged the community to actively participate in the campaign.

In this year’s edition, ‘BIG Green Durga’ adopts a fresh approach to combat plastic waste, focusing on recycling efforts through a community-based plastic collection drive. Waste will be gathered from local neighborhoods, colleges, and markets, which will then be used to create an upcycled Durga idol. The idol, crafted from recycled materials, will be donated to a government or corporate facility after the festival, embodying the campaign’s message of sustainability. This season also spotlights female Dhaakis (traditional drummers), breaking gender barriers by featuring women performers during the Durga Puja celebrations. Additionally, the ancient art of Patachitra storytelling will be given a contemporary twist, with a Patachitra artist narrating stories through BIG FM’s platform.

Expressing her excitement, Aparajita Adhya stated, “It is a privilege to be associated with BIG FM’s ‘BIG Green Durga’ campaign. I have always been an advocate for eco-friendly practices, and this initiative deeply aligns with my values. The idea of collecting plastic waste from the community and transforming it into a Durga idol is truly inspiring. This campaign isn’t just about awareness but about real action. I applaud the BIG FM team for their dedication, and I’m grateful to the sponsors for backing such a crucial cause. Together, let’s work toward a greener, cleaner future and celebrate Durga Puja with responsibility.”

Adding to her remarks, Sunil Kumaran, COO of BIG FM, said, “At BIG FM, our core philosophy is to create positive impact through initiatives that resonate with our audience. The ‘BIG Green Durga’ campaign is a natural extension of this belief, encouraging communities to embrace sustainability while honoring our cultural traditions. Following the success of the first two seasons, which played a pivotal role in promoting eco-friendly practices, we’re thrilled to carry forward the momentum with season three. We are also proud to have Aparajita Adhya as the face of this year’s campaign, alongside the support of our esteemed sponsors, all of whom are committed to making this initiative a success.”

Every year, the ‘BIG Green Durga’ campaign chooses a prominent figure to symbolize the spirit of ‘Shakti.’ Past seasons featured Rituparna Sengupta as the ambassador for the first edition, followed by Priyanka Sarkar in the second. This year, with Aparajita Adhya leading the way, BIG FM aims to raise further awareness and encourage active participation in the eco-friendly initiatives. The campaign will culminate with a grand Durga Puja celebration from October 9 to 13 at the Kund Area, Salt Lake City Centre, one of Kolkata’s most vibrant cultural venues. The highlight of the event will be the upcycled Durga idol, reinforcing the message of sustainability and responsible celebrations.

Key sponsors such as Meghbela Broadband (Presenting Sponsor), Bosumati Basmati Rice (Co-Powered by Sponsor), Magic Moments Verve Music Studio (Celebration Partner), XUV 400 (Driven By Partner), and Suzuki Avenis (Ride Partner) took the stage to express their support for the cause, emphasizing their shared commitment to promoting a greener festive season. Additional sponsors include Duta Guro Masala, Senco Gold and Diamonds, Titan Eye+, Damro, Shalimar Avida Agarbatti (Prayer Partner), and others. The event also featured interactive discussions on sustainability and community-driven change, giving attendees an opportunity to delve deeper into the campaign’s themes.

Stay tuned to BIG FM and be part of the mission to make this Durga Puja a celebration of sustainability, inclusivity, and responsible actions!

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