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Bohurupi Dominates Diwali Weekend, Surpasses ₹13 CR

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Bengali cinema celebrates a new milestone

Record-Breaking Box Office Success

The Bengali film Bohurupi, directed by Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, has made history by crossing the ₹13 CR mark over the Diwali weekend. This achievement makes it the first Bengali film in 2024 to reach such a box office milestone, even with stiff competition from the Hindi blockbusters Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 and Singham 3.

Houseful Shows and Widespread Appeal

During the Diwali weekend, Bohurupi enjoyed an extraordinary 150 houseful shows across various cities in just three days. The demand for the film has remained high despite a reduction in screenings to make room for the two Hindi releases. Yet, Bohurupi continues to pull in massive crowds, thanks to its engaging storyline and the seasoned direction of Nandita and Shiboprosad.

Director Duo on Bengali Cinema’s National Success

Directors Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee expressed gratitude for the overwhelming response. “It’s heartening to see Bohurupi stand alongside big releases. This success shows that Bengali cinema can resonate nationwide. We’re grateful for the support, which drives us to create meaningful stories,” they shared.

Paving the Way for Regional Films

With no signs of slowing down, Bohurupi is redefining possibilities for regional cinema, demonstrating that Bengali films can make a national impact. The film’s success has set a new benchmark, inspiring confidence in the potential of regional storytelling on a larger scale.

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