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Case filed against Rahul Gandhi transferred to Delhi Crime Branch

Case filed against Rahul Gandhi transferred to Delhi Crime Branch

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Case filed against Rahul Gandhi transferred to Delhi Crime Branch

The Delhi Police registered a FIR against the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi based on a complaint by BJP leader Hemang Joshi on Thursday evening. The charges stem from an alleged scuffle that broke out in the Parliament on December 19 with Rahul Gandhi facing charges under several sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) which may carry prison sentence up to seven years.

A BJP delegation filed a complaint against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi.

MPs from the INDIA bloc held a protest march near the statue of B.R Ambedkar in the Parliament complex on Thursday. They demanded resignation of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his remarks about Ambedkar in the Rajya Sabha. BJP MP Pratap Singh Sarangi accused Rahul of pushing another BJP MP Mukesh Rajput onto him while he stood near the stairs of the Parliament in his wheelchair. Both the MPs were taken to RML hospital for treatment of their injuries.

Even the opposition party accused the BJP MPs of pushing the party chief Mallikarjun Kharge and injuring him.

The FIR filed against Rahul Gandhi was under the following sections-
Section 117 (Voluntary causing grievous hurt).
Section 115 (Voluntary causing hurt).
Section 125 (Act of endangering life or personal safety of others).
Section 131 (Use of criminal force).
Section 351 (Criminal intimidation).
Section 3(5) (Common intention).

Although the offences are bailable but police could arrest him without any warrant as these are cognizable offences. According to the Supreme Court’s guidelines in 2014’s case arrest in cases with offences punishable for a maximum period of seven years in jail is not mandatory.

written by:

Annyesha Das
Department -Journalism and Mass Communication
Semester – 1 (1st Year)
Asutosh College

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