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Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence: CTMA to Host Mega Cable TV Show 2024 in Kolkata

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5th January, Kolkata, 2024 – The Cable TV Show 2024 in Kolkata, organized by the Cable TV Equipments Traders & Manufacturers Association (CTMA), is set to mark its silver jubilee with a grand three-day mega exhibition from 9th to 11th January, 2024. Recognized as one of the largest trade shows on digital cable television, broadband, and OTT in India and the Saarc region, the event will take place at the Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan (Milan Mela) in Kolkata.

Since its inception in 1997 at the Ice Skating ring in Kolkata with a modest beginning, the Cable TV Show has evolved into a significant industry event, reflecting the growth and dynamism of the cable television sector. With the Indian broadcast and cable TV market valued at USD 13.61 billion in 2023, the sector is expected to witness a robust 7.85 per cent annual growth rate until 2029.

Mr. Pawan Jajodia, Chairman Exhibition, CTMA, expressed excitement about this year’s event, stating, “The Cable TV Show 2024 will be the biggest in its history, having successfully completed 25 years. From its humble beginnings with a few stalls and participants, the show has grown into a comprehensive B2B mega exhibition, drawing over 50,000 visitors from across India and Bangladesh. The venue will feature 92 stalls, 85 pavilions, and over eighty participants, transforming the sprawling Milon Mela Prangan into a hub of innovation and networking.”

The three-day B2B mega event, which is open to the public for free, is anticipated to bring together key stakeholders, including multi-system operators (MSOs) and prominent brands associated with the cable television sector. It will serve as a platform to showcase the latest technologies, products, solutions, and services shaping the industry’s future.

Over the past three decades, CTMA has emerged as the voice of the cable television sector in the eastern region. Mr. K K Binani, Secretary, CTMA, highlighted the association’s commitment to representing the interests of the cable television network in India. He remarked, “With the Government’s efforts to finalize the Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023, CTMA will continue to articulate the voice and demands of the cable television network in India.”

The Cable TV Show 2024 expects to attract more than 10,000 cable operators, MSOs, representatives, traders, manufacturers, channel partners, distributors, broadcasters, and industry professionals from India and overseas. Mr. Rajesh Doshi, President, CTMA, emphasized the show’s role in keeping pace with technological developments and changes in the cable television sector, making it the largest event of its kind in the Saarc region.

Despite facing challenges from competing technologies, the cable television (CATV) sector continues to witness growth, expanding into new rural areas and providing internet services alongside entertainment and educational content. Mr. Rajendra Prasad Agarwal, Vice President, CTMA, acknowledged the sector’s resilience in overcoming infrastructural challenges and expanding its footprint as a crucial service provider in India.

Currently, India boasts over 1500 MSOs, with West Bengal alone estimated to cover nearly 10 million cable homes, offering television software and internet services in both urban and rural areas. The Cable TV Show 2024 has garnered support from key industry players, with gold sponsors including Alliance Broadband and Meghbala Broadband, and silver sponsors such as MRMPL, SG Beldon, SyRotech, and WishNet. The bronze sponsors include CtrlS, Digisol, Extreme, Seanet, and Star, with additional support from SITI Networks and GTPLKCBPL.

As the cable television sector continues to thrive and adapt to changing landscapes, the Cable TV Show 2024 promises to be a landmark event, celebrating not only the industry’s achievements but also paving the way for future innovations and collaborations.

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