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Chander Pahar Returns to Theatres

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Chander Pahar Returns to Theatres

SVF has announced the re-release of the iconic Bengali adventure film Chander Pahar on September 20, 2024, to honor the 130th birth anniversary of Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. Originally released in 2013, this movie became the highest-budget Bengali film at the time, setting new standards for the industry.

A Star-Studded Cast

Directed by Kamaleswar Mukherjee, Chander Pahar features Dev as the protagonist Shankar, delivering a powerful performance. Gérard Rudolf plays Diego Alvarez, Shankar’s mysterious companion in Africa. Laboni Sarkar plays Shankar’s mother, and Soumik Haldar’s cinematography beautifully captures the vast wilderness of South Africa.

An Adventure of a Lifetime

Based on Bibhutibhushan’s novel, the film follows Shankar Roy Chowdhury’s daring adventure in Africa. From dangerous terrains to mythical beasts, Shankar’s thrilling journey captures the essence of exploration. The film’s breathtaking visuals and gripping storyline were well-received beyond Bengal, finding success in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.

Resonating Across Generations

Even after 11 years, Chander Pahar continues to captivate audiences. Its re-release aims to introduce a new generation to the adventures of Shankar, while allowing old fans to revisit their love for the film.

A Cinematic Milestone

Chander Pahar showcased Bengali cinema’s potential on a global stage. It broke barriers and proved that large-scale films from the region could gain international acclaim. SVF’s re-release seeks to reignite the excitement and magic that made the film a masterpiece. Catch it in theatres on September 20th!

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