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Commemorating Swami Vivekananda’s Calcutta Return Day: A Special Train Journey from Budge Budge to Sealdah

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February 19 marks a significant day in the annals of Indian history – the Calcutta Return Day of Swami Vivekananda, a pivotal moment after his triumph at the World Religious Conference. On this day in 1897, Swami Vivekananda arrived at Budge Budge, having journeyed from Madras aboard a ship. His return was not merely a personal homecoming but a momentous event celebrated by thousands across the nation.

As the ship docked at Budge Budge, Swami Vivekananda’s arrival sparked immense enthusiasm among the awaiting crowds. Despite his ailing health, he generously distributed coconuts among his fellow passengers and delivered inspiring speeches during the voyage, captivating all who listened.

In anticipation of his arrival in Calcutta, a welcome committee, led by the Maharaja of Darbhanga, had arranged for a special train from Budge Budge to Sealdah. This initiative aimed to facilitate Swami Vivekananda’s journey amidst the throngs of admirers eager to greet him.

On the morning of February 19, Swami Vivekananda and his followers boarded the specially arranged train at Budge Budge. The atmosphere was electric as they embarked on their journey towards Sealdah, where an estimated crowd of 20,000 awaited his arrival.

As the train approached Sealdah station, the anticipation reached a crescendo. The air reverberated with cheers and slogans hailing the revered Swami. Upon his arrival, he was greeted with reverence and adulation, with devotees clamoring for his blessings.

Amidst the jubilant crowd, Swami Vivekananda proceeded on a horse-drawn cart, symbolizing his triumphant return to the heart of Calcutta. However, moved by the devotion of the youth, who fervently wished to honor him, he allowed them to pull the cart themselves, leading a vibrant procession through the city streets.

In commemoration of this historic event, Eastern Railway continues to organize a special train journey from Budge Budge to Sealdah every year on Swami Vivekananda’s Calcutta Return Day. This year, marking the 128th anniversary of this auspicious occasion, an EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) special train will depart from Budge Budge at 09:55 hrs on February 19, stopping at all stations en route before reaching Sealdah at 10:52 hrs.

Through this annual initiative, Eastern Railway pays tribute to Swami Vivekananda’s profound impact on Indian spirituality and philosophy, as well as his enduring legacy in promoting these ideals on a global platform. The special train journey serves as a poignant reminder of Swamiji’s timeless teachings and his unwavering commitment to the upliftment of humanity.

As passengers embark on this symbolic journey, they reflect not only on the historical significance of Swami Vivekananda’s return but also on the enduring relevance of his message in today’s world. In honoring his memory, we reaffirm our commitment to his ideals of service, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment, inspiring generations to come.

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