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Van Mahotsav Day is a tree-planting festival that is celebrated in the first week of July. It is observed to spread awareness about the importance of forests, woodlands and trees in our lives.
This day was enthusiastically celebrated by the students of Birla Bharati on 7th of July. The children of classes 3 to 5 participated in various activities like sit and draw competition,planting of saplings,gifting saplings and creating a green corner in their classrooms.


Above all, they all were part of the rain water harvesting process that was arranged in the school premises, to make them aware and conscious about preserving water and reusing it effectively. It was a successful effort to make children realise what harm we have been doing to our Mother Earth by randomly cutting trees. So these activities marked the beginning of taking a small step towards undoing the damage and creating a better and greener world. The children thoroughly enjoyed as well as learnt a lot from this activity filled day.

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