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Cycle Pure Unveils 111-Feet Agarbathi to Honor Local Craftsmanship

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In a spectacular display of commitment to India’s rich cultural heritage, Cycle Pure Agarbathi, the nation’s largest agarbathi manufacturer, illuminated the skies across Mysuru, Goa, and Maharashtra by unveiling a colossal 111-feet agarbathi. This awe-inspiring event, held on 22nd January 2024, was not just a grand spectacle but a heartfelt tribute to the tradition of local craftsmanship that has been an integral part of India’s cultural tapestry.

The event unfolded simultaneously across three culturally vibrant locations – Mysuru, Maharashtra, and Goa. Ms. Saraswathi, the mother of renowned sculptor Arun Yogiraj, had the honor of lighting the massive agarbathi in Mysuru. Esteemed dignitaries, including Sri. Pratap Simha, MP, Mysore-Kodagu, and Sri. T. S. Srivatsa, MLA, Krishnaraja, graced the occasion, highlighting the significance of preserving and celebrating diverse artisanal heritage.

The Ranga family, represented by Mr. Guru, Mr. Kiran Ranga, Mr. Vishnu Ranga, Mr. Anirudh Ranga, and Mr. Nikhil Ranga, played a pivotal role in showcasing the brand’s commitment to safeguarding our heritage and traditional art forms. In Maharashtra, Honourable Chief Minister Sri. Eknath Sambhaji Shinde celebrated the state’s rich craftsmanship, while in Goa, Honourable Chief Minister Sri. Pramod Sawant emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting the region’s unique artistic expressions.

The 111-feet tall masterpiece created by Cycle Pure Agarbathi is a fusion of modern technology and traditional artistry. Crafted over 23 days by a dedicated team of 18 skilled individuals, the agarbathi stands as a profound homage to the rich cultural heritage of Mysuru’s artisans. The manufacturing process involved the use of specially handpicked auspicious materials, including Dashanga (Honey, Konneri Gedde, Ghee, Sandal Wood Powder, Guggula, Agaru, Sambrani, Devadaru, Loban, and White Mustard) along with Charcoal, Jigat, and Jaggery. The incorporation of a unique technology devised by the NRRS specialist team further adds to the significance of this colossal creation.

Expressing her gratitude, Ms. Saraswathi stated, “Generations of our family have been dedicated to the arts, and it’s truly heartening to see Cycle Pure Agarbathi taking a proactive role in supporting and acknowledging our work. This recognition goes beyond a simple honor; it signifies a deep commitment that holds immense value, not only for our family but for the entire artistic community. This support is particularly meaningful for artists in Mysuru, where our cultural contributions thrive, making it an invaluable gesture towards the broader creative landscape.”

Mr. Guru, Chairman of NR Group, the parent company of Cycle Pure Agarbathi, highlighted the brand’s ongoing commitment to supporting the artistic community. He emphasized that the 111-feet agarbathi serves as a symbol of this commitment, spreading happiness through its fragrance and serving as a beacon of hope in the world of craftsmanship.

Cycle Pure Agarbathi’s grand gesture not only mesmerized onlookers but also underscored the importance of recognizing and preserving the unique skills and artistry that define India’s cultural identity. As the agarbathi radiated its brilliance, it symbolized not just a brand but a beacon illuminating the path to a future where traditional craftsmanship continues to thrive and be celebrated.

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