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Dabur Gulabari Presents IGlam’s 9th Edition: Where Grace, Talent, and Poise Converge

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Dabur Gulabari Presents IGlam’s 9th Edition: Where Grace, Talent, and Poise Converge

A Night of Glamour and Talent

On June 23, 2024, IGlam proudly celebrated its 9th edition pageant at the illustrious Regenta Orko’s Kolkata. The event, titled “Dabur Gulabari Presents 9th IGlam Miss & Mrs. Gulab-Pari Bengal 2024, IGlam Mr. & Junior Bengal 2024,” was a dazzling affair brimming with glitz and glamour. Renowned personalities like Ms. Moubani Sorcar and Smt. Baishali Dalmia illuminated the evening with their presence. The prestigious event also included IGlam Miss & Mrs. India 2024, with contestants from all over India vying for the coveted titles.

An Exceptional Jury Panel

The winners were meticulously chosen by an exceptional jury panel, featuring:

  • Ankit Sharma
  • Tapesh Kumar
  • Sagar Jha
  • Jiit Chakraborty
  • Subhadip Mitra
  • Jeet Jagjeet
  • Pamita Sadhukhan
  • Karuna Chandirani
  • Dr. Renu Kumari
  • Preet Walia
  • Preeti Jagwani
  • Aryman Raj
  • Padmanava Banerjee
  • Aaheli Das
  • Kahini Bhattacharjee
  • Putul Dhar
  • Siddharth Sehal
  • Mohua Roy Das
  • Kangna Tripathi

Crowning the Winners

The evening concluded with the announcement of the highly anticipated winners across all categories. Each winner exemplified grace, talent, and poise, truly embodying the spirit of IGlam. The dedicated IGlam team members, including Kamini Kumari, Saba Khan, Avinash Kumar, Chandu Kumar, Chintu Kumar, Neha Chopra, Bobby Agarwal, Parul Sehgal Gulati, Raushan Obrey, Rupa Singh, Satyajit Haldar, and Raushan Kumar, played a crucial role in making the event a grand success.

Visionary Leadership

Devjani Mitra, the visionary founder and director of IGlam, articulated the essence of the event, stating, “There is no bound to talent. IGlam aims to nurture 10 million talents across the globe.” She emphasized IGlam’s mission to promote talents globally and develop essential soft skills for personal and professional growth.

Supporting Partners

The event was supported by a range of partners, including Anita Mahendra (salon & gift partner), Lavanya (gift partner), Vidhita Poddar (styling partner), Lakme Academy (makeover partner), Shana’s Academy, Koustubh Banerjee (photography partner), Tathastu Pappu (photography partner), Macpro (photography partner), Regenta Orko’s (venue partner), and the South Calcutta Ananda Niketan Home (NGO partner).

A Testament to Talent

IGlam’s vision extends beyond the pageant itself, aiming to promote talents globally and provide a platform for individuals to showcase their unique abilities. The grand finale highlighted the exceptional talents and poise of the winners, who truly embodied the spirit of IGlam.

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