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Delhi-NCR Earthquake Live Updates: 4.0 Magnitude Tremors Shake Delhi and Noida

Strong 4.0 magnitude earthquake rattles Delhi and Noida. Learn about the seismic risks, expert insights, and essential safety measures.

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A map showing the epicenter of the earthquake in Delhi-NCR)


Residents of Delhi-NCR were startled by strong tremors after a 4.0 magnitude earthquake struck the region. The seismic activity, recorded late at night, caused buildings to sway and residents to rush outdoors in panic. While no significant damage or casualties were reported, the quake sparked concerns about the region’s seismic vulnerability.

Earthquake Strikes Delhi-NCR: What Happened?

According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.0 and originated at a shallow depth, intensifying the tremors felt across Delhi, Noida, and surrounding areas. Social media platforms were flooded with reactions as residents shared their experiences.

Experts highlight that Delhi-NCR lies in Seismic Zone IV, making it prone to moderate to severe earthquakes. This incident serves as a reminder of the region’s need for earthquake preparedness.

Delhi residents evacuate buildings after earthquake tremors

Why Is Delhi-NCR Prone to Earthquakes?

Delhi and its neighboring cities are located near active fault lines, including the Mahendragarh-Dehradun Fault and the Himalayan Frontal Fault. The region frequently experiences mild to moderate tremors, raising concerns about the possibility of a major earthquake in the future.

According to a report by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), several small quakes have been recorded in the past year, indicating ongoing seismic activity.

Seismic activity chart showing recent earthquakes in India

What Should You Do During an Earthquake?

Preparedness is key to minimizing risks during an earthquake. Here are some essential safety tips:

  • Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Seek cover under a sturdy table or against an interior wall.
  • Avoid Running Outdoors: Stay indoors if inside a building, away from windows and heavy furniture.
  • Keep an Emergency Kit Ready: Include water, food, a flashlight, and first aid supplies.
  • Secure Heavy Objects: Fasten shelves, mirrors, and appliances to prevent injuries.

Authorities urge residents to stay alert and follow safety protocols to reduce potential damage in case of future seismic events.

Earthquake safety tips infographic


While the recent earthquake in Delhi-NCR did not cause severe damage, it highlights the importance of preparedness in a high-risk seismic zone. Residents should stay informed, follow safety guidelines, and be ready for potential aftershocks. Share this article to spread awareness and ensure your loved ones know how to stay safe.

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