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DLF Mall of India’s ACTIVE NOIDA is back with a Remarkable Awareness Run Against Breast Cancer

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Noida, 30th October 2023 – DLF Mall of India proudly hosted the latest edition of their esteemed ACTIVE NOIDA initiative. On the bright morning of October 29th, the mall orchestrated a highly impactful Breast Cancer awareness run, in collaboration with their medical partner, Max Healthcare. This notable event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of over 500 patrons, and it was elegantly presented with the exclusive partnership of renowned brands such as G-Shock and Decathlon, who served as the exclusive gifting partner. The occasion featured a diverse array of invigorating fitness activities, meticulously designed to embody the core principles of community wellness.

DLF Mall of India’s ACTIVE NOIDA is back with a Remarkable Awareness Run Against Breast Cancer

The event saw an impressive turnout with runners of all ages and fitness levels coming together to support this noble cause. Participants had the option to choose between a 3-kilometer, 5-kilometer and a 10-kilometer run, all of which were designed to promote physical fitness while advocating for Breast Cancer awareness. As part of this collaboration, G-SHOCK presented their special edition, G-SHOCK GA-2100P-1A timepiece, designed exclusively to support the cause of Breast Cancer awareness, to the winners across for both the Male & Female winners in the 10 & 5 km categories along with the Breast Cancer Survivor Winner, honoring their unyielding strength and resilience to overcome insurmountable odds to stand victorious in this battle against breast cancer.

DLF Mall of India’s ACTIVE NOIDA is back with a Remarkable Awareness Run Against Breast Cancer

In addition to the runs, the event featured a variety of fitness challenges, including Zumba and Dance workouts as well as an archery competition organized by Decathlon. The event was also attended by representatives from Max Healthcare Hospital, and some very courageous breast cancer survivors. During the event, the medical experts from Max Hospitals, in collaboration with the breast cancer survivors, conducted an informative awareness session for the DLF Mall of India Community

Ms. Pushpa Bector, Senior Executive Director of DLF Retail, enthusiastically conveyed her sentiments about the event and its profound mission, emphasizing, “ACTIVE NOIDA transcends the mere promotion of an active and healthy lifestyle; it serves as a beacon of community spirit and altruism. By orchestrating this impactful awareness run against Breast Cancer, our aim is to ignite a fervor for healthy living and rally support for causes of utmost significance. The overwhelming unity and participation witnessed at this event truly warms our hearts.”

DLF Mall of India’s ACTIVE NOIDA is back with a Remarkable Awareness Run Against Breast Cancer

Since October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness, this chapter of ACTIVE NOIDA serves as a testament to the power of community engagement in driving awareness for important causes. The event encouraged participants to take charge of their health while showing solidarity with those affected by Breast Cancer. This event was a spectacular success owing to the efforts of everyone involved and it will undoubtedly have a positive impact on Breast Cancer awareness and prevention.

About DLF Mall of India:

DLF Mall of India is the largest mall in the country and a benchmark in the retail business in India. Spread across the retail space of 2 million square feet (sq. ft. GLA), DLF Mall of India brings the unique concept of “zoning” for the first time in India for the ease of the customer’s shopping experience. It has six customized levels of retail experience, like international and Indian premium fashion, a dedicated kids’ zone, entertainment, international cafes, food courts, and restaurants, with a racetrack atrium ensuring equal and excellent visibility for all stores. It is home to 330+ brands, which include more than 120 fashion brands and 75+ food and beverage options, including 51 cafes and casual dining restaurants. Strategically located in Sector-18, Noida, DLF Mall of India has excellent connectivity with the key affluent catchment areas: East, South, and Lutyens Delhi, as well as Noida and Greater Noida. With its sheer size, innovative zoning strategy, and impressive location, DLF Mall of India has redefined the way retail is perceived in India.

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