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Duggamoni O Baagh Mama: Zee Bangla’s New Show Brings a Mystical Tale to Life

Discover Zee Bangla’s latest mystical drama, Duggamoni O Baagh Mama, premiering on March 3, 2025. A tale of fate, faith, and divine connection, airing Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM.

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Introduction Zee Bangla, a pioneer in Bengali television entertainment, is set to premiere its latest show, Duggamoni O Baagh Mama, on March 3, 2025. Airing every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM, the show promises an enchanting narrative that blends faith, destiny, and divine intervention. Set against the rich cultural backdrop of rural Bengal, this mystical tale follows the journey of Duggamoni, a young girl with an extraordinary gift—the ability to read minds.

A Story Beyond Words: The Journey of Duggamoni

At the heart of the show is Duggamoni, played by the talented child artist Radhika Karmakar. An orphan with an unexplainable power to hear the unspoken thoughts of those around her, Duggamoni’s life takes a mystical turn on Mahalaya, the sacred day marking the beginning of Durga Puja. Her story intertwines with themes of self-discovery, resilience, and a divine connection with an unknown mother.

Adding emotional depth to the series, Manali Dey portrays Gayatri, a woman from an aristocratic household, haunted by the loss of her child. As fate intervenes, their paths cross, leading to an unbreakable bond that defies explanation.

A Tribute to Bengal’s Traditions and Divine Feminine Power

Speaking about the show, Mr. Samrat Ghosh, Chief Cluster Officer – East, North & Premium Cluster, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd., stated:

Duggamoni O Baagh Mama is a heartfelt tribute to Bengal’s traditions, celebrating the divine feminine power and the emotional strength of a mother’s love. With its unique storytelling and mystical elements, the show promises to be both a visual and emotional masterpiece.”

With stunning locations like Bonedi Bari and Bardhaman’s idol-making hubs, the series embraces Bengal’s artistic and cultural grandeur. The visual spectacle of the show aims to transport viewers into a world where spirituality and reality seamlessly merge.

More Than Just a Power – A Symbol of Empathy and Intuition

According to Navnita Chakraborty, Business Head, Zee Bangla & Chief Content Officer, Zee TV:

“Duggamoni’s ability to read minds goes beyond being a mere magical power—it serves as a profound symbol of intuition, empathy, and the invisible threads that connect us as human beings.”

Through this gripping narrative, Zee Bangla aims to inspire viewers to recognize the extraordinary potential in ordinary moments, making Duggamoni O Baagh Mama a must-watch for audiences of all ages.

Production and Creative Direction

The show is produced by Missing Screw and is the brainchild of Sahana Dutta, the creative director and writer. Known for crafting compelling narratives, Dutta brings her signature storytelling style, ensuring an engaging and immersive viewing experience.


With a captivating storyline, powerful performances, and a deep cultural connection, Duggamoni O Baagh Mama is set to be one of Zee Bangla’s most memorable and emotionally rich productions. Don’t miss the premiere on March 3, 2025, and witness the magic unfold every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM.

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