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Duroply Celebrates 68 Years of Excellence and Legacy in Plywood Manufacturing

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Duroply Celebrates 68 Years of Excellence and Legacy in Plywood Manufacturing

A Remarkable Journey

Kolkata, July 03, 2024: Duroply, India’s premier plywood manufacturer, proudly marks its 68th year of excellence and legacy in the plywood industry. This significant milestone reflects the company’s decades-long dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, and innovation.

Celebrating with Key Stakeholders

To commemorate this momentous occasion, Duroply celebrated with its esteemed customers, employees, dealers, contractors, and carpenters. Events were organized across all 16 branches in India to honor the contributions of these key stakeholders. These celebrations highlighted Duroply’s commitment to fostering strong relationships within the industry.

Commitment to Innovation

Mr. Akhilesh Chitlangia, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Duroply, emphasized the company’s dedication to customer-centric innovation. He stated, “We are humbled to serve the nation by adorning our customers’ homes and offices with block boards, plywood, veneers, and doors that last generations. Our legacy of customer satisfaction has ingrained a culture of innovation at Duroply, ensuring that we meet our customers’ needs with superior products.”

Duroply’s approach to innovation includes continuously aligning manufacturing processes to set industry benchmarks for quality. Their deep relationships with architects, interior designers, and dealers across India attest to their commitment to nurturing a supportive community and advancing the sector as a whole.

Expansive Network and Educational Initiatives

With a presence in over 26 states and union territories, Duroply maintains strong connections with over 4,000 architects and interior designers, and a network of more than 12,000 carpenters and contractors. Duroply offers more than 450 design options nationwide, supported by 180 Duro experts who educate customers on the importance of purchasing branded plywood.

About Duroply Industries Limited

Duroply stands out as India’s premium and most experienced plywood manufacturer. The company’s 68-year legacy is marked by a commitment to sourcing raw materials sustainably, earning it the title of a ‘Forest Friendly Company’. Focused on customer-centric innovation, Duroply enhances the durability of home and office interiors with a comprehensive range of plywood, block boards, doors, and decorative veneers.

Pioneering Industry Standards

Duroply has set several industry milestones, including being the first plywood company to offer a Lifetime Guarantee on most products and introducing the 10-foot range of plywood, boards, doors, and veneers under the ‘Duro Plus’ brand. Their ‘Duro Advantage’ offering combines nine sought-after features, coupled with the ‘Duro Lifetime Guarantee’ against insect infestation, setting the gold standard in the industry.

Educational Platforms

Duroply launched “Duro TV” on YouTube to provide consumers with knowledge about purchasing the right plywood. Additionally, their podcast series “Beyond Blueprints” brings the design philosophies of interior designers and architects to life, helping customers choose the right designer to realize their dream homes.

With a legacy of excellence and a forward-looking approach, Duroply continues to redefine the Indian plywood industry, blending tradition with innovation for a sustainable and prosperous future.

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