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Eastern India’s largest Hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus Celebrates its First Anniversary

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Kolkata, 30th September, 2023: BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan (BDGRGSS) in association with FACES hosted the first anniversary celebration of Eastern India’s largest hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus at JW Marriott Hotel Kolkata today. LOTUS TMT Medical Bus, first of its kind in Eastern India, was launched on 31st July 2022, just a year back. The first camp was organised in the iconic Eden Gardens, in Kolkata, on August 1, 2022. This inaugural camp was dedicated to the hardworking grounds men of the sports ground, demonstrating our commitment to those who serve our communities. Since then, it has covered over 13,000 km, organized 250 camps, and served 41,600 patients in West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh. It is an initiative of BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan, sponsored by BDG Metal and Power Ltd. – with the gracious medical support from Anandlok Hospital.
This medical bus is 12 meters long, equipped with all primary healthcare services like – Eye, Dental & ENT check-up and treatment, General Check-up, Pathological Laboratory, General OPD, ECG and X-ray facilities along with many other services. Medicines and spectacles are also provided in this hospital on wheels.

Eastern India's largest Hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus Celebrates its First Anniversary

The anniversary celebration was glittered by the presence of various eminent personalities like Mr. Sovandeb Chattopadhyay (Minister In Charge, Department of Agriculture & Parliamentary Affairs), Janab Nadimul Haque (Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha), Mr Javed Ahamed Khan (Minister in Charge, Disaster Management and Civil Defence, Government of West Bengal), 

Sri. Ramesh Chand Goyal (Chairman of BDG Group), Mr. Imran Zaki, (President of FACES ), Sri. Alok Goyal (Managing Trustee of BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan),  Sri. Sumit Bhatt (Honorary Secretary of BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan) and many other renowned personalities from the city of Kolkata. The event also witnessed the felicitation of Covid warriors.

Eastern India's largest Hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus Celebrates its First Anniversary

Speaking to the media, Sri. Ramesh Chand GoyalChairman of BDG Group said, “This is an initiative taken by BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan which has been my dream project ever since the idea of LOTUS TMT Medical Bus fructified. The first year of its journey has truly paved the way for accessible healthcare in rural areas, marking a significant progress toward our goal.”

Eastern India's largest Hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus Celebrates its First Anniversary

On this occasion Sri. Alok GoyalManaging Trustee of BDG Ramesh Goyal Seva Sansthan said, “The LOTUS TMT Medical Bus has achieved significant milestones during its first year and has been a beacon of hope, bringing essential healthcare services to remote corners of the country and to those who need it most. We are actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with the Government of West Bengal and the Health Ministry.”

Eastern India's largest Hospital on Wheels- Lotus TMT Medical Bus Celebrates its First Anniversary

Sharing his views, Mr. Imran ZakiPresident of FACES said, “It was a great pleasure for me to be associated with this Celebration of 365 days of Healing Hearts and Changing Lives with Lotus TMT Medical Bus. It has been a year of making healthcare accessible for many in need and kind service to mankind. Wishing them countless more years of serving with compassion and care. We will collaborate with more NGOs working in medical field so that more and more people can be benefitted from this Mobile Van services.”
About BDG Group: BDG, a business powerhouse that took root in the early 1960s under the visionary leadership of Late Bishan Dayal Goyal, with a mission to elevate the nation’s potential, a legacy diligently continued through the generations by our esteemed Chairman, Shri Ramesh Chand Goyal, and Managing Director, Shri Alok Goyal. As BDG Group flourished, a profound commitment to our community emerged, exemplified by the Lotus Medical Bus initiative.

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