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Eastern Railway to Run EMU Specials for Shravani Mela at Tarakeswar

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Eastern Railway to Run EMU Specials for Shravani Mela at Tarakeswar

Kolkata, July 15, 2024:

Cultural Significance of Shravani Mela

The Shravani Mela at Tarakeswar is a cherished event in Bengal’s cultural and religious calendar. Attracting numerous devotees, this Mela is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva during the auspicious month of Shravan (July – August). Devotees from various parts of Bengal flock to Tarakeswar to perform ‘Jalabhishek,’ a sacred ritual involving the pouring of holy water over the Shiva Lingam.

Additional EMU Specials for Pilgrims

To accommodate the influx of pilgrims during Shravani Mela, the Eastern Railway’s Howrah Division will operate additional EMU Special trains. Six pairs of EMU Specials will run on the Howrah-Tarakeswar section on all Sundays, Mondays, and other festive days throughout the Mela period.

Train Schedule for Devotees

The EMU Special trains will facilitate the smooth transport of pilgrims from Howrah to Tarakeswar. These trains will depart from Howrah at 04:05 hrs and 12:50 hrs, arriving in Tarakeswar at 05:35 hrs and 14:20 hrs, respectively. For the return journey, the trains will leave Tarakeswar at 10:55 hrs and 21:17 hrs, reaching Howrah at 12:30 hrs and 22:45 hrs.

Seoraphuli to Tarakeswar Specials

Recognizing the importance of Seoraphuli, where pilgrims collect holy Ganges water for the Jalabhishek, Eastern Railway has arranged special trains between Seoraphuli and Tarakeswar. These trains will depart from Seoraphuli at 06:55 hrs, 09:20 hrs, 16:20 hrs, and 19:40 hrs, reaching Tarakeswar at 07:45 hrs, 10:15 hrs, 17:10 hrs, and 20:30 hrs. For the return journey, trains will leave Tarakeswar at 05:55 hrs, 08:10 hrs, 14:50 hrs, and 18:40 hrs, arriving in Seoraphuli at 06:45 hrs, 09:03 hrs, 15:40 hrs, and 19:30 hrs.

Official Announcement

Shri Kausik Mitra, Chief Public Relations Officer of Eastern Railway, stated, “In addition to regular services, these EMU Special trains will operate on all Sundays, Mondays, and other festive days during the Shravani Mela at Tarakeswar.” The special trains will run on dates including 17.07.2024, 21.07.2024, 22.07.2024, 28.07.2024, 29.07.2024, 04.08.2024, 05.08.2024, 11.08.2024, 12.08.2024, 15.08.2024, 18.08.2024, and 19.08.2024, stopping at all stations en route.


The initiative by Eastern Railway ensures that devotees have a comfortable and convenient journey to participate in the Shravani Mela, thus upholding the spirit of devotion and unity that the event symbolizes.

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