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EIRC-ICAI’s Capital Market Conclave – Charting Indian Economy: A Resounding Success Showcasing the Finance and Accounting World’s Dynamic Insights

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Kolkata, 5th August 2023: The Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) celebrated a momentous occasion as they successfully hosted the prestigious Capital Market Conclave. The event, organised by the esteemed Committee on Financial Markets & Investors’ Protection (CFMIP) of ICAI, under the able leadership of CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman CFMIP and CA. Cotha S. Srinivas, Vice Chairman, CFMIP.

EIRC-ICAI's Capital Market Conclave – Charting Indian Economy: A Resounding Success Showcasing the Finance and Accounting World's Dynamic Insights
Capital Market Conclave at Kolkata

With a remarkable gathering of more than 400 distinguished members from the finance and accounting community, the Capital Market Conclave emerged as a focal point for in-depth discussions and insightful presentations on critical topics related to the dynamic world of capital markets. Attendees had the privilege to learn from and engage with an impressive line-up of distinguished speakers, experts in their respective fields, who shared their valuable perspectives on the latest trends and developments.

Throughout the event, attendees were captivated by the exceptional knowledge shared by industry luminaries, shedding light on the current challenges and opportunities within the finance and accounting realm. The Conclave provided a unique opportunity for participants to enrich their understanding and connect with like-minded professionals, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of networking and collaboration.

EIRC-ICAI's Capital Market Conclave – Charting Indian Economy: A Resounding Success Showcasing the Finance and Accounting World's Dynamic Insights
Shri Ananth Narayan G, Whole Time Member, SEBI

“We are elated to witness such a resounding response to the Capital Market Conclave,” said
CA. Mayur Agrawal, Chairman, CFMIP of EIRC-ICAI. “The overwhelming participation and the quality of discussions underscore the significance of events like these in keeping our community at the forefront of the finance and accounting landscape.”

The Capital Market Conclave undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all its participants, reinforcing EIRC-ICAI’s commitment to promoting excellence and knowledge exchange within the finance and accounting domain. As the event came to a successful conclusion, the organising committee expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, speakers, and sponsors who contributed to making this event an unforgettable success.

Distinguished guests gracing the event include:

  • Chief Guest: Shri Ananth Narayan G, Whole Time Member, SEBI
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Harish Ahuja, Sr Vice President, NSE
  • CA. Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal, Vice President, ICAI
  • CA (Dr) Debashis Mitra, Immediate Past President, ICAI
  • CA. Sushil Kumar Goyal, Program Director
  • CA. Debayan Patra, Chairman, EIRC, along with CA Sanjib Sanghi, Vice Chairman, EIRC, CA Vishnu K Tulsyan, Secretary, EIRC, CA Mayur Agrawal, Treasurer, EIRC and CA Ravi Kumar Patwa, RCM & Imm. Past Chairman, EIRC.

In addition, a panel discussion on the “Art of Investing when Sensex Peaks”moderated by
CA Vikash Jain provided attendees with valuable perspectives on navigating investment opportunities during market peaks.

EIRC-ICAI's Capital Market Conclave – Charting Indian Economy: A Resounding Success Showcasing the Finance and Accounting World's Dynamic Insights
Inaugural Session – L – R : CA. Ravi Kumar Patwa, Immediate Past Chairman, EIRC, CA. Sushil Kumar Goyal, Council Member, ICAI, CA. Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal, Vice President, ICAI, Shri Ananth Narayan G, Whole Time Member, SEBI, CA. Sanjib Sanghi, Vice Chairman, EIRC, CA, Mayur Agrawal, Treasurer, EIRC, CA. Debayan Patra, Chairman, EIRC

The line-up of esteemed speakers includes the following with topics delved into as mentioned

  1. CA Anil Singhvi, Managing Editor at ZEE Business – Fire Side ChatModerated by
    CA Samir Agarwal
  2. Mr. Varun Malhotra, Director, Edge Institute For Financial Studies – Achieving

Financial freedom through investing

  1. CA Vivek Bajaj, Co-Founder, Stockedge – Identifying scripts for investments
  2. Mr Sandeep Jain, Director, Tradeswift Broking – Gem Stock, Entry & Exit Strategies
  3. Mr. Aashish P Somaiyaa, CEO, White Oak Capital Management – Opportunities in

Emerging Sectors of Indian Economy

  1. CA Ghansham Joshi, Stock Market Analyst – Power of Portfolio Monitoring
  2. CA. Sanjay Banka, CFO, Senco Gold

The event served as a perfect stage, uniting leaders, experts, and enthusiasts to foster a holistic comprehension of the dynamic landscape of capital markets. The invaluable insights and thought-provoking discussions showcased at the conclave are poised to profoundly enrich participants’ understanding of investment strategies, market trends, and emerging sectors in the Indian economy.

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