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Ekal Run 2024: Geeta Phogat to Inaugurate FTS Yuva’s Annual Marathon for a Noble Cause

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On the 7th of January, 2024, the youth wing of Friends of Tribals Society, FTS Yuva, will host its flagship event – the Ekal Run at Godrej Waterside in Kolkata. The event will witness the inauguration by Geeta Phogat, India’s first-ever gold medalist in wrestling at the Commonwealth Games. With over 5000 participants expected to run for various categories, including 21km, 10km, 5km, and a 3km non-timed fun run, the marathon aims to bring people of all age groups together for a noble cause.

Geeta Phogat’s Inspirational Journey:

Geeta Phogat’s journey from a small village in Haryana to becoming India’s first female wrestler to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games is nothing short of inspirational. Her achievements include being the first Indian woman wrestler to qualify for and represent the country at the Summer Olympic Games, setting a benchmark for future generations of Indian women wrestlers. Geeta’s story resonates with the challenges faced in pursuing dreams, especially in male-dominated fields.

Ekal Run 2024: A Marathon for Education:

FTS Yuva’s Ekal Run is not just a marathon; it is a manifestation of the commitment towards the cause of educating underprivileged rural children. Mr. Gaurav Bagla, President of FTS Yuva, Kolkata Chapter, expressed his excitement about Geeta Phogat flagging off the 5th Edition of Ekal Run. The marathon serves as a platform to inspire individuals to surpass their limits, achieve remarkable feats, and contribute to the noble cause of educating rural children.

Key Members and Organizers:

The event is organized by key members of FTS Yuva, including Anirudh Modi Mentor, Niraj Harodia – National Coordinator, Gaurav Bagla – President, and other dedicated individuals contributing to the success of Ekal Run. These key members form an integral part of the FTS Yuva board, each playing a crucial role in ensuring the marathon’s success.

About FTS:

Friends of Tribals Society (FTS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the upliftment of underprivileged rural children. Operating 49,203 One Teacher Schools, popularly known as “EKAL VIDYALAYA,” FTS provides non-formal education to over 15,19,721 children in remote villages of India. The organization focuses on the holistic development of a child, contributing to the overall upliftment of the entire village. With 37 chapters across India and Kolkata as its headquarters, FTS has received prestigious awards, including the Gandhi Peace Prize 2017, presented by the honorable former President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.


Ekal Run 2024 not only celebrates the spirit of running but also encapsulates the spirit of giving back to society. Geeta Phogat’s presence adds an extra layer of inspiration to the event, motivating participants to push their boundaries while contributing to the noble cause of education. As FTS Yuva continues its relentless efforts, Ekal Run stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change in the lives of underprivileged children across India.

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