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Elevate your lifestyle with the luxurious and sporty smartwatch – Boult Sterling

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·         Launching at the price INR 1,599/- BOULT Sterling Smartwatch is available for purchase on both and Boult’s official website

Kolkata, 05 October 2023– BOULT, the fastest-growing wearable brand in India, today announced the launch of its latest innovation: Sterling smartwatch. The all-new elegantly dynamic, sportive luxury timepiece is a perfect blend of impeccable design and functionality. This sleek and feature-rich smartwatch is poised to redefine the way consumers interact with their wearable devices. Featuring a 1.52-inch HD screen display, the smartwatch is the epitome of magnificence with stainless steel design and multiple strap colour options. Customers can purchase this smartwatch on the Boult’s official website (, and at a price of INR 1,599/-, available in various colour options (Midnight Marine, Carbon Copper, Scarlet Ebony) to choose from.

Elevate your lifestyle with the luxurious and sporty smartwatch - Boult Sterling

The smartwatch boasts an impressive array of features that cater to the diverse needs of today’s tech-savvy individuals. With a 1.52-inch HD screen, 360*360 pixels of ultra-high resolution and 700 Nits brightness, users can enjoy crystal-clear visuals and an immersive display experience. It ensures a lag-free experience with an 60Hz refresh rate. The Sterling smartwatch is packed with some of the most exciting features, like Bluetooth Calling (Single Chip BT 5.3), Voice Assistance, IP67 certification for water resistance, and 100+ sports modes.

It is the perfect companion for those who crave adventure. Designed to be lightweight and versatile, it effortlessly accompanies you on all your escapades. When it comes to health, the smartwatch is equipped with advanced health monitoring tools such as SpO2 blood oxygen monitor, blood pressure monitor and heart rate monitor. Female users can keep a track of their menstrual cycles. In addition to this, sleep tracking, water drinking reminder, sedentary reminder is some of the key features.

Elevate your lifestyle with the luxurious and sporty smartwatch - Boult Sterling

Speaking about the launch, Varun Gupta, Co-Founder & CEO, BOULT, said, “We firmly believe in providing an elevated user experience through products that are built with compassion, innovation, and uniqueness. The all-new Sterling smartwatch represents our unwavering commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology without sacrificing design. At Boult, design isn’t just an afterthought; it’s at the very core of our brand philosophy. This is not just another watch; it’s a perfect companion for the active, tech-savvy lifestyle of the younger generation.”

For fitness enthusiasts, the Sterling smartwatch offers an extensive selection of over 100 sports modes, ensuring that users can find the perfect activity to match their fitness goals and preferences. The watch also offers 150+ cloud-based watch faces, allowing users to personalize their device to reflect their unique style and mood.

It also features an AI voice assistant for convenient access to information, reminders, and smart device control, along with real-time weather updates to help users plan their day effectively. Additionally, the smartwatch is equipped with the Find My Phone feature and four mini games for gaming on the go.

Click here to view Sterling images: Product Images


BOULT is a homegrown, high-end consumer electronic brand that designs and manufactures innovative audio and wearable products. The brand’s product portfolio includes headphones, speakers, smartwatches, and other categories of earphones like wireless, Bluetooth, in-ear, and more. BOULT was founded in June 2017 by two brothers, Varun and Tarun Gupta. BOULT is the 2nd largest audio company in India selling a headphone every 5 seconds. BOULT is the only consumer electronics brand in the country with its own design studio, where they conceptualize and meticulously design every product to build masterpieces that are best-sellers on every recognized e-commerce platform in the country, including their own website-

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