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Empowering Students Nationwide Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet – Finding Talent and Rewarding Them

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Kolkata, 11th December, 2023: TheNarayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, proudly celebrates Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet Phase II today. With an impressive legacy of empowering students and fostering academic excellence, the 18th Edition of NSAT 2023 was launched on July 30th 2023. It is a highly successful annual examination that aims to motivate, reward and nurture the academic talents of young students across the nation. The test serves as a platform for students from class 7th to 11th (Science) to compete at the national level by testing their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities among their peer group. In 2023, over 1.5 lakh students have appeared for the examination in India and over 3600 students have registered from West Bengal. The result has been declared on November 2, 2023, and today through NSAT Success Meet Phase II, topper students from West Bengal who have done well have been felicitated. Apart from it some promising students from different schools were felicitated and all students who participated in NSAT 2023 were handed over their NSAT Participation Certificates and gifts. These talented students are eligible for scholarships from Narayana.

Empowering Students Nationwide Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet – Finding Talent and Rewarding Them

This year, NSAT 2023 was conducted in both online (8th to 12th October 2023) and offline (1st October / 15th October / 29th October 2023) modes, ensuring convenience and accessibility for all participants. Students chose the mode that suited them best, allowing them to perform at their optimal level.

The students who secured top places in All-India ranks or are toppers School-wise were felicitated today by Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata. Toppers were given the results, certificates, awards and they were updated the scholarships they will get from the academy.

Empowering Students Nationwide Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet – Finding Talent and Rewarding Them

In today’s program, Dr. Partha Karmaka, Deputy Secretary of WBPE, and Lt. Col MG Palani were present as Chief Guests. Principals and teachers from prominent schools were present as Special Guests. These dignitaries guided the students on (a) Strategy planning for Boards, (b) Career planning from class VII-XII and they motivated the students as well.

Empowering Students Nationwide Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet – Finding Talent and Rewarding Them

Sharing this proud moment, Center Director of Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, Pritha Halder and Branch Manager Nayan Kumar Mandal said, “Over 3600 students from across West Bengal registered in the 18th edition of NSAT 2023. The examination encompassed a comprehensive syllabus, covering subjects like Science, Mathematics, Mental Ability with questions that stimulated critical thinking skills. From among all the students, toppers from different schools were felicitated today and all other participating students were given certificates. All the students are eligible for different level of scholarships, depending upon their performance in NSAT examination. These students are toppers among many and are set to be successful doctors, engineers and scientists in the future. Narayana has identified the talents and they are being rewarded accordingly. Around 300 students and their parents were present today. Admission for 2024 session has already started and eligible students have started enrolling them for class VIII-XII.”

Empowering Students Nationwide Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT) Success Meet – Finding Talent and Rewarding Them

About the Narayana Educational Institutions: The Narayana Educational Institutions is one of Asia’s largest and most well-respected education groups. The group has a vast network of more than 750 schools, colleges, coaching centers, and professional colleges across 23 Indian states. It has a team of more than 50,000 highly experienced teachers, R&D Heads, and Subject Matter Experts, in addition to the non-academic staff, who help over 600,000 students every year with their education, from kindergarten to post-graduate studies. The group also offers comprehensive academic programs and resources to help students achieve their career aspirations in engineering, medicine, and civil services, catering to the diverse vocational goals of career-oriented students.

Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, coaches students for IIT entrance examination (XI-XII and XII pass), NEET (XI-XII and XII pass)and foundation (class VIII-X) and produces excellent results year after year.

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