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G-SHOCK unveils a spectacular collaboration with TEAM G-SHOCK skater Kelvin Hoefler and US skateboard brand Powell Peralta

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~ A Triple Treat for Watch and Skateboarding Enthusiasts ~

-SHOCK, the trailblazing watch brand renowned for its exceptional durability and visionary craftsmanship, has once again pushed the boundaries of innovation with its latest collaboration. This time, G-SHOCK has teamed up with TEAM G-SHOCK’s skater, Kelvin Hoefler, and the legendary US skateboard brand, Powell Peralta, to create a unique timepiece that perfectly encapsulates the essence of skateboarding culture.

The star of this exciting collaboration is the classic DW-5600 model, which has been transformed into a distinctive design that celebrates Kelvin Hoefler’s impact on skateboarding. The watch features a signature Hoefler graphic on the band, a testament to his artistic influence within the skateboarding community, along with his signature on the case back, which solidifies his connection to this remarkable timepiece.

G-SHOCK unveils a spectacular collaboration with TEAM G-SHOCK skater Kelvin Hoefler and US skateboard brand Powell Peralta

In this thrilling partnership, G-SHOCK goes beyond mere aesthetics to underscore its unwavering commitment to functionality. With a simple press of a button, users can activate the LED backlight, unveiling the iconic Powell Peralta logo on the display, paying homage to Powell Peralta’s legendary status in skateboarding history and adding an element of surprise that resonates with watch and skateboarding enthusiasts.

G-SHOCK unveils a spectacular collaboration with TEAM G-SHOCK skater Kelvin Hoefler and US skateboard brand Powell Peralta

This collaboration embodies G-SHOCK’s unwavering commitment to crafting timepieces built for the harshest conditions while also capturing the spirit of their wearers. By merging this commitment with Kelvin Hoefler’s skateboarding excellence and Powell Peralta’s 45 years of industry leadership, G-SHOCK has created a timepiece that goes beyond mere timekeeping. It tells a compelling story—a story of passion and unwavering dedication to skateboarding culture across the globe.

G-SHOCK unveils a spectacular collaboration with TEAM G-SHOCK skater Kelvin Hoefler and US skateboard brand Powell Peralta

Skateboarding has transcended its subcultural origins and gained mainstream popularity. With a sense of rebellion and street credibility, edgy aesthetics, and the use of iconic graphics and logos, it has had a profound impact on street culture and fashion worldwide. This partnership highlights the brand’s commitment to supporting the global skateboarding community, bringing people together around a shared passion.

G-SHOCK unveils a spectacular collaboration with TEAM G-SHOCK skater Kelvin Hoefler and US skateboard brand Powell Peralta

The G-SHOCK Kelvin Hoefler X Powell-Peralta collaboration model DW-5600KH-1DR is priced at INR 8995/-. The timepiece is up for grabs at exclusive Casio India & G-SHOCK stores across the country. Customers can also get a chance to own this exclusive timepiece online at:

About Kelvin Hoefler: Hailing from Guaruja, Brazil, Kelvin is a skateboarder of international acclaim. His list of achievements includes multiple World Cup Skateboarding victories, X Games medals, and a commitment to giving back to the skateboarding community in Brazil.

About Powell Peralta: Located in California, Powell Peralta is the top USA-based manufacturer of professional skateboard components and has been at the forefront of skateboard innovation for over four decades. They are known for game-changing products like Dragon™, Soft Slide™, Skate Park™, Street Tech™and Bones® X-Formula™wheels, Flight® Decks, and Bones®, which have played a pivotal role in shaping the skateboarding industry.

About G-SHOCK:

G-SHOCK, the pioneering timepiece that revolutionized the very concept of toughness.

In 1981, a daring challenge to prevailing norms ignited the genesis of G-SHOCK. Driven by Mr. Kikuo Ibe’s unwavering conviction that a watch could be crafted to withstand any shocks, Project Team Tough was formed to translate this vision into reality. Over a span of approximately two years, this team meticulously developed more than 200 prototypes. Their resolute efforts culminated in the breakthrough shock-resistant yet sophisticated and streamlined architecture we know today.

Since its inception, G-SHOCK has embarked on a relentless journey of evolution, ceaselessly pursuing greater resilience and bold stylish appeal across structure, materials, and functionalities. Envisioned in 1983, G-SHOCK now stands on the cusp of its 40th Anniversary in 2023, having left an indelible mark by retailing over 100 million watches across 100 nations. Strengthened by this remarkable legacy, G-SHOCK remains resolute in its quest for enduring strength, ever ready to conquer new frontiers of toughness.

About Casio India Co. Pvt. Ltd.:

Casio India Co. Pvt. Ltd.(CIC) is the Indian subsidiary of Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and business equipment solutions. Casio India has established a dynamic presence in the Indian market since 1996, emerging as a leading and cherished consumer goods manufacturer. Casio India’s range of products include sales and marketing of Timepieces, Electronic Musical Instruments, Desktop Calculators, Scientific Calculators, Label Printers and Clocks.

Setting the benchmark for excellence, Casio India is dedicated to embodying the spirit of innovation and quality that defines the Casio legacy. With a strong commitment to its corporate creed of “creativity and contribution,” Casio has consistently translated this ethos into the creation of innovative products making a positive impact on society.

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