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GIVA Celebrates the Grand Opening of Its 50th Store in Kolkata

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Kolkata, India: GIVA, one of India’s fastest-growing direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands, is proud to announce the highly anticipated opening of its 50th store in Kolkata. This milestone event signifies GIVA’s remarkable growth and success in providing high-quality, ethically sourced jewellery to customers across the country. Indian actress Raima Sen, who is known for her work in the Hindi and Bengali film, was the chief guest of the event.

GIVA Celebrates the Grand Opening of Its 50th Store in Kolkata

Since its establishment in 2019 by visionary entrepreneurs Ishendra Agarwal, Nikita Prasad, and Sachin Shetty, GIVA has become a household name and a trusted destination for exquisite jewellery. With a commitment to ethical practices, GIVA offers conflict-free diamonds and a diverse range of designs in silver with oxidised silver, gold, and rose gold plating. The brand’s dedication to quality and sustainability has made it a top choice among consumers.

GIVA Celebrates the Grand Opening of Its 50th Store in Kolkata

GIVA’s growing presence in the Indian jewellery market reflects its rapid expansion plans. With over 50 stores and a target of reaching 100 stores nationwide by December 2023, GIVA aims to capture a significant portion of the projected $100 billion jewellery market by 2025. The brand’s ability to offer high-quality and ethical diamond jewellery at affordable prices positions it as a leader in the industry.

GIVA Celebrates the Grand Opening of Its 50th Store in Kolkata

“We are thrilled to celebrate the opening of our 50th store in Kolkata, a city known for its rich culture and vibrant fashion scene,” said Nikita Prasad, Co-Founder of GIVA. “This milestone is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication, as well as the trust and support of our customers. We are excited to continue our journey and deliver exquisite jewellery that enhances our customers’ daily style and creates unforgettable moments.”

GIVA has expanded its offerings beyond fine silver jewellery and recently introduced a gold collection, with products ranging from ₹6,000 to ₹30,000. The brand also launched a Rakhi collection, reflecting the values and traditions of India, with Rakhi’s priced between ₹1,000 and ₹3,500. Made with premium silver and presented in decorative boxes, these Rakhi’s are ideal for gifting siblings. Additionally, GIVA provides a lifetime re-plating service and offers a 6-month warranty on all its jewellery. With a catalogue of over 6,000 designs and the release of 250 new designs each month, GIVA ensures a diverse selection for every taste.

The grand opening of the 50th GIVA store will take place on July 15, 2023, at 4:30pm. Located at GIVA 1st Floor, Camac Square, 24, Camac St, Kankaria Estates, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700016, the exclusive store in Camac Street will mark GIVA’s entrance into the “city of joy.” This prime location in one of Kolkata’s top high streets will cater to the city’s urbane and fashion-conscious crowd.

GIVA’s 50th store inauguration ceremony will be graced by esteemed Chief Guest, RAIMA SEN, who will join GIVA’s founders and team in celebrating this significant milestone. The event promises to be a memorable occasion filled with excitement, elegance, and a showcase of GIVA’s exceptional jewellery collection.

GIVA Celebrates the Grand Opening of Its 50th Store in Kolkata

For more information about GIVA and its offerings, visit the official website at or download the GIVA mobile app. Stay connected with GIVA on social media through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Address: 24 , Camac street Ground floor, Near Vardaan Market, Kolkata-700016,
Store Contract No – 6360097562
Store Timings – 10 am – 10 pm

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