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Grand Finale of MDJ Couple No.1 (Season 2) presented by Mahabir Danwar Jewellers

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Kolkata, 27th August, 2023: Mahabir Danwar Jewellers made couples feel special by organizing this grand event named ‘Couple No 1’ contest. It was a 3 month long Contest after which top 12 couples were chosen for the grand finale. Weddings in India are considered eternally blissful, but it is also important to rekindle the romance and celebrate your partner each passing day. Keeping the same thought in mind, this unique, fun and creative competition was arranged. After the grand success of Season 1, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers had all geared up to make its 2nd Season a superhit too this time. MDJ also relaunched its new Logo and presented a new look to its brand.

MDJ’s Couple No. 1 (Season 2) contest started on 13th June, 2023. The Grand Finale of the contest was held today at Fairfield by Marriott, Kolkata and the occasion was glittered by the presence of jury members which included: Richa Sharma, Actress; Priti Agarwal, Entrepreneur; Shivani Agarwalla, India’s first and only five-time Woman World Champion in Kettlebell Sports; Naina More, Celebrity Motivational Speaker; Savita Soni, Jewellery Designer and was attended by: Mr. Vijay Soni, Director, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers; Mr. Arvind Soni, Director, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers; Mr. Sandeep Soni, Director, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers & Mr. Amit Soni, Director, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers.

Speaking to the media, Mr. Arvind Soni & Mr. Sandeep Soni, Director, Mahabir Danwar Jewellers said, “We hosted Couple Number 1 last year and we are excited to bring it back in a new form. MDJ Couple No. 1 is a wonderful platform for the couples to strengthen their bonds and develop more companionship. Applications came in each day. We want to spread joy by celebrating every special moment of these couples. We have rewarded the winner with a trip to Maldives.”

These men would be seen in outstanding outfits by brand Poonam Kasera as they are the official Male apparel partner of this grand event and the event has been curated by San Entertainment – a boutique agency which does exclusive events only.

Grand Finale of MDJ Couple No.1 (Season 2) presented by Mahabir Danwar Jewellers

About Mahabir Danwar Jewellers : Mahabir Danwar Jewellers founded by Late Mahabir Prasad Soni in Kolkata in 1970, is today a professional and integrated business organization managed by his sons Binod, Kailash and Jiwan with grandsons Vijay, Arvind, Amit and Sandeep. It deals in wholesale and retail of Gold, Kundan, Jadau and Diamond Jewellery, supported by international certifications of scientifically tested purity and authenticity. Mahabir Danwar Jewellers has three retail outlets, one in Burrabazar – Kolkata, another at City Centre Mall, Salt Lake & a third at Pitam Pura, New Delhi. In an industry where market reputation is the key asset, the company has carved a niche for itself and has received continuous admiration and appreciation from its esteemed clients. Recognizing the constant endeavors as well as the product quality excellence, Mr. P.K. Kyndiah, Honorable Union Minister for Tribal Affairs on behalf of the Indian Achievers Forum and the All India Business & Community Foundation has awarded “Indian Achievers Award for Quality & Excellence 2008” to the company. Mahabir Danwar Jewellers has also been awarded with Times Business Award, 2019 in Best Diamonds and Bridal Jewellery category from Eastern India which was presented by Bollywood Superstar Mr. Anil Kapoor.

List of Winners: Couple No 1 (Season 2)

  1. Priti & Supreme Lodha – (Winner)
  2. Priyanka & Ravi Lohia – (1st Runner up)
  3. Charvi and Viraj Gandhi – (2nd Runner up)

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