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Gritzo’s heartwarming animated film ‘Wish’ touches hearts this Children’s Day 

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~The film depicts the mindset of a today’s child who values the ‘time’ of their parents over materialistic gifts~ 

New Delhi, November 15th, 2023 – Gritzo, a brand of Healthkart and the first of its kind brand in the personalized nutrition drink for children, on the occasion of Childrens’ Day has unveiled an enchanting, animated film, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. The digital film, conceptualized and executed internally by the team, will be amplified across multiple digital touchpoints, including Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Titled as ‘Wish’, the film artfully explores the profound theme of children’s wishes and the importance of parents comprehending and decoding these desires. In a world dominated by grand gestures and expensive gifts, ‘Wish’ takes a poignant look at the simple and yet often overlooked desires of the children. The storyline revolves around a young child longing for seemingly simple joys, such as increased quality time with parents. The opening scene sets the tone with the child requesting God to reduce the father’s office time, envisioning more playtime and bonding moments. However, the father, immersed in the demands of adulthood, dismisses this as a naive gesture. Similarly, the child notices the mother’s need for a new kitchen tool and turns to Santa Claus for assistance. The mother, preoccupied with daily chores, remains oblivious to this subtle plea. The film skillfully unravels the misconception that children solely desire expensive toys. Towards the end, the film unfolds the reality that what children genuinely yearn for is the invaluable gift of time from their parents. The narrative takes a touching twist as the parents grasp this realization, leading to a heartwarming celebration of the family together.

‘Wish’ by Gritzo beautifully underscores the importance of understanding and responding to a child’s emotional needs, shifting the focus from material desires to the invaluable gift of shared moments. Here is the link to the video –

Commenting on the release of this one-of-a-kind AI generated brand film, Subhadeep Dasgupta, Business head, Gritzo (Child nutrition brand of HealthKart) said, “We are excited to introduce a groundbreaking AI-generated film, a first of its kind. At Gritzo, ‘Children’ have always been our focal point and with ‘Wish’, we aim to celebrate the pure innocence and uncomplicated desires of children. At the same time, through the film, we want to send a gentle reminder for parents to tune into the subtleties of their children’s desires. In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the simple wishes that mean the world to our little ones. Through the magic of animation and AI, we hope to inspire conversations about the importance of understanding, cherishing, and fulfilling the wishes of the most precious members of our families”.

As the first-of-its-kind personalized nutrition drink for children, Gritzo understands the importance of nurturing not only their physical health but also their emotional needs. Just as ‘Wish’ underlines the significance of understanding and responding to a child’s emotional needs, Gritzo Supermilk, , reflects Gritzo’s dedication to providing wholesome nutrition.

Gritzo offers personalized nutrition according to age, gender and health goals. For instance, apart from catering to other age groups, Gritzo also provides the personalized “Super Milk” to cater to the age group of 8 to 12 years old because it recognises that this is the time when a child goes through a growth spurt. Over 100,000 mothers today trust and rely on Gritzo to give their children the right nutrition.

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