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Historic Breakthrough: “Devi Chowdhurani” Secures Official Indo-UK Co-Production Status

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A Milestone in Indian Cinema

In a monumental stride for Indian cinema, “Devi Chowdhurani” has become the first Bengali film to be granted official Indo-UK co-production status by both governments. This landmark collaboration underscores the deepening cultural and creative ties between India and the United Kingdom, setting a new precedent in international film production.

Stellar Cast and Production Team

The film stars the illustrious Prosenjit Chatterjee alongside Srabanti Chatterjee, with direction by National Award-winning filmmaker Subhrajit Mitra. Produced by Aparna and Aniruddha Dasgupta of Adited Motion Pictures in conjunction with Soumyajit Majumdar of LOK Arts Collective, “Devi Chowdhurani” is adapted from the classic novel by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay. The UK co-producers include HC Films and Moringa Studios.

Celebrating India’s First Female Freedom Fighter

“Devi Chowdhurani” chronicles the life of India’s first female freedom fighter, featuring a mesmerizing musical score by globally renowned composer Pandit Bickram Ghosh. The film promises to be a cinematic tour de force, with a stellar cast including Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Arjun Chakraborty, Darshana Banik, Bibriti Chatterjee, and Kinjal Nanda.

Cultural Diplomacy and International Recognition

The recognition of “Devi Chowdhurani” as an official co-production is a testament to the robust cultural diplomacy efforts between India and the UK, facilitated by the Indo-UK film co-production treaty signed in 2007. This landmark decision involved key authorities such as the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, NFDC, FFO, and Invest India, with the British Film Institute (BFI) and DCMS representing the UK.

Unveiling at a Prestigious Reception

On October 16, 2023, the concepts of both “Devi Chowdhurani” and the forthcoming musical pan-India Hindi feature film “Joyguru” were shared at a historic reception at the Guildhall. Hosted by Mr. Munsur Ali, London City Corporation Chairman of Culture, Heritage, and Libraries, the event was graced by distinguished delegates from the Cultural Ministries of both India and the UK.

Future of Indo-UK Cinematic Collaborations

As the first Bengali film to achieve official Indo-UK co-production status, “Devi Chowdhurani” not only celebrates India’s rich heritage and its struggle for independence but also sets a new benchmark for future Indo-UK cinematic endeavors. This film heralds a new era of global film production excellence, fostering cultural bonds and mutual understanding between the two nations.

Statements from Key Figures

Aparna and Aniruddha Dasgupta (Adited Motion Pictures):
“This recognition is a dream come true, representing a significant achievement in our filmmaking journey and a celebration of the rich cultural heritage and historical bonds between India and the UK.”

Soumyajit Majumdar (LOK Arts Collective):
“Our vision at LOK has always been to take local stories from India, especially West Bengal, to the global film market. This collaboration with Adited Motion Pictures and the official Indo-UK co-production status is a vital step in that direction.”

Prosenjit Chatterjee:
“I’m extremely delighted to be a part of ‘Devi Chowdhurani,’ which has paved a new path for regional film industries and promotes Indian films rooted in rich cultural and historical heritage.”

Anticipation and Global Impact

Now in early post-production, “Devi Chowdhurani” is eagerly anticipated by audiences worldwide. This historic Indo-UK collaboration is poised to enhance cultural diplomacy and mutual understanding, marking a new chapter in global film production.

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