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Hoichoi Presents ‘Sunrise Bhojonbilashi’: A Culinary Journey

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Hoichoi Presents ‘Sunrise Bhojonbilashi’: A Culinary Journey

Introduction to Sunrise Bhojonbilashi
hoichoi, in association with ITC’s Sunrise, proudly introduces its first-ever non-fiction series, Sunrise Bhojonbilashi. This unique food and travel show, directed by Arijit Seth, marks hoichoi’s exciting debut into the non-fiction genre, with promises of many more ventures to come.

A Glimpse into the Series
Sunrise Bhojonbilashi is an immersive exploration of West Bengal’s diverse culinary landscape. Hosted by RJ Somak, the show takes viewers across five districts—Bolpur, Purulia, Murshidabad, Bankura, and Kolkata. Each episode is a blend of food, travel, and cultural insights, featuring celebrity guests like Saurav Das, Ushasi Ray, and Anirban Chakrabarti. The show’s quirky food truck, ‘Kumropotash,’ inspired by Sukumar Ray’s iconic character, serves as the culinary hub in each episode.

Why Watch Sunrise Bhojonbilashi?
This series is a must-watch for food lovers, culture enthusiasts, and the Bengali diaspora. With its focus on authentic experiences, Sunrise Bhojonbilashi offers a delightful mix of cooking sessions, cultural stories, and the rich flavors of Bengal, making it an enriching experience for all.

About hoichoi
hoichoi is a leading Bengali entertainment platform, offering over 2,000 hours of movies and 160+ original series. Launched in 2017, hoichoi connects millions of Bengalis worldwide with their roots through high-quality content. The platform is accessible across multiple devices, including mobile, desktop, and smart TVs, ensuring that Bengali content is just a click away.

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