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Igniting Utkarsh: ACAE Annual Conference 2024

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Kolkata, 6th July 2024: The Association of Corporate Advisers & Executives (ACAE) held its Annual Conference 2024 at Dhono Dhanyo Auditorium, Kolkata. Themed “Igniting Utkarsh,” this event aimed to foster excellence, progress, and prosperity within the corporate advisory and executive community. The conference featured vibrant discussions, engaging drama, and thought-provoking debates.

Inauguration Ceremony

The event was inaugurated by notable dignitaries, including Mr. Utsav Parekh, Chairman of SMIFS Capital Markets Limited, and Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal, President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Ambassador Deepak Vohra presented his thoughts on “The Transformation: India becomes Bharat,” adding significant depth to the inaugural session.

Insightful Discussions and Debates

Mr. Sumit Binani, President of ACAE, expressed his delight at the conference’s success, attributing it to the collective efforts of the organizing committee. The conference featured a dynamic debate between entrepreneurs and professionals. Eminent entrepreneurs like Mr. Mayank Jalan, Ms. Swati Gautam, Mr. Meghdut Roy Chowdhury, and Mr. Gaurav Jalan debated for the motion. Meanwhile, professionals including Mr. Nawshir H Mirza, Mr. Aniket Talati, Mr. Ashok Barat, and Ms. Shivani Shah presented counterarguments.

Global Perspectives

Mr. Sajith Kumar P K, Group CEO & MD of IBMC International DMCC, Dubai, provided insights into professional opportunities in the UAE through video conferencing. His session broadened the attendees’ perspectives on international business prospects.

Engaging Drama

A highlight of the conference was the drama “Life After Death,” performed by ACAE members. The play, centered on the importance of wills and succession planning, was well-received and added a creative touch to the event.

Conference Souvenir

Under the leadership of CA Debayan Patra, a conference souvenir was released, commemorating the event’s significance. The souvenir captured the essence of the discussions and the spirit of collaboration and innovation that the conference fostered.

Acknowledgements and Future Prospects

Past presidents of ACAE, including CA Jinesh Vanzara, CA R S Jhawar, CA Anand Chopra, CA Santosh Rungta, CA Sanjay Bhattacharya, and CA Madhav Sureka, praised the event for enriching members’ knowledge and fostering a spirit of collaboration. The theme “Igniting Utkarsh” resonated deeply with ACAE’s mission to drive positive transformation and growth.

CA Mukesh Jhawar and CA Anup Luharuka highlighted the attendees’ dedication and enthusiasm during the conference. CA Vasudeo Agarwal, CA P D Rungta, CA Jitendra Lohia, CA Raj K Lakhotia, CA Anup K Banka, CA Manish Dhandharia, CA Chimpu Agarwal, and CA Shiv Khemka voiced their anticipation for future events, emphasizing the Annual Conference’s role as ACAE’s flagship event.

The ACAE Annual Conference 2024 has set a benchmark for future events, promising continued transformation and growth within the vibrant community of corporate advisers and executives.

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