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Introducing VELYS: A Robotic Revolution in Knee Replacement

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Launch at Fortis Hospital Anandapur

Dr. Soumya Chakraborty proudly announces the launch of VELYS, a state-of-the-art robotic-assisted solution for knee replacement, at Fortis Hospital Anandapur. This marks the first robot of its kind in Kolkata, promising significant benefits for patients requiring total or partial knee replacement. Plans to launch software for hip replacements are also underway.

Advantages of Orthopedic Robotics

VELYS offers numerous advantages in knee replacement surgeries, including precise and accurate surgical procedures due to its advanced maneuverability for bone cuts and implant positioning. Patients can expect a better range of motion, minimized discomfort during recovery, and reduced risk of complications such as fat embolism. The technology promotes better alignment and implant longevity, accelerates the healing process, and reduces hospital stays. Additionally, the surgical procedure is simplified as there is no need for extensive instrumentation.

Key Features of VELYS

Since its introduction in key markets worldwide in 2021, VELYS has demonstrated remarkable features:

  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Eliminates the need for pre-surgical CT scans, saving time and reducing costs.
  • Precision Technology: Utilizes an infrared camera and optical trackers to gather precise data regarding patients’ anatomy.
  • Adaptive Tracking: Provides real-time compensation with a high-speed camera, triple-drive motion technology, and PURESIGHT Optical Reflectors for accurate execution.
  • Natural Control: Maintains the saw cut plane for precise, reproducible surgeon-controlled cuts without the need for cutting blocks.
  • AccuBalance: Offers pre-resection visualization of balancing data to predict joint stability.
  • ProAdjust Planning: Allows surgeons to personalize alignment and balance relative to soft tissues.

Enhanced Patient Care

VELYS is a saw-based system that is easy to handle and does not increase surgical time. It enables documentation of surgical data, which can be handed over to patients or their relatives. The system is also compatible with the Upgrade Knee System, one of the best knee systems in the industry, ensuring high-quality outcomes.

Dr. Chakraborty’s Vision

Dr. Soumya Chakraborty expressed his enthusiasm about the launch: “We are thrilled to introduce VELYS in the city. This cutting-edge technology will revolutionize knee replacement surgeries, offering our patients unparalleled precision, reduced recovery times, and improved overall outcomes. Our commitment to utilizing the best available technology, combined with our expertise, ensures that our patients receive the highest standard of care. VELYS represents a significant advancement in arthroplasty, and we are excited about the positive impact it will have on our patients’ lives.”

With the introduction of VELYS, Fortis Hospital Anandapur aims to elevate arthroplasty care to the next level, combining skill with the best available technology to provide maximum benefits for patients.

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