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Recently a video went viral capturing a couple being engaged in public display of affection at a Kolkata metro station. An elderly man was shown on the video pointing his finger at the couple and said “Viral kardo isse”. The video was posted on X by Subhangi Pandit with a caption saying “Kolkata Metro Station. Some citizens even refused them. But the boy and girl still did not agree. He came to know that people were recording his video”.
Under Section 294 of Indian Penal Code which prohibits obscene acts or words in public that cause annoyance or objection to others but the law does not explain what obscenity is and that it is subjective. But the question is, Is it that serious? A couple being romantic in public can be seen as vulgar but do we not see this in films? And do we not romanticise them? Can’t we as a society be liberal enough? As some people commented that it might affect the kids but do those said kids not watch this in films? The video was filmed, and it was posted everywhere, are the kids not watching the video on those platforms? However, a question arises that why is invading someone’s privacy through filming and shaming them considered acceptable?
Let’s take a moment and rewind back to the 2023 to the Delhi murder case where a 16-year-old girl was brutally murdered on the streets by her said boyfriend and people were casually passing by and some even took their sweet time to record it but didn’t bother to call the police. In both the cases we see for those people the main focus is to capture a content for the sake of views.
There are many such similar incidents where people always try to make up something out of nothing. Instead of shaming the act we must question those who exploit and invade people’s personal boundaries in disguise of societal morals. The real issue here isn’t PDA but the audacity of people to shame others while ignoring one’s moral principles.

Name- Annyesha Das
Department -Journalism and Mass Communication
Semester – 1 (1st Year)
Asutosh College

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