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Jio Studios has announced a cohesive long-term partnership with SVF Entertainment to cater to the Bengali market

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This dynamic partnership is set to produce a multitude of blockbuster films in the years to come.

  • This partnership is not only focused on producing incredible films, but also on creating high-quality content that will focus on wider distribution, spreading their impact and influence across the world.

Kolkata, April 17, 2023Jio Studios, the media and content arm of Reliance Industries Ltd and SVF Entertainment, the biggest entertainment conglomerate of Eastern India – the two powerhouses in the Indian entertainment industry, have joined forces to bring their cinematic expertise to the vibrant Bengali market through a long-term partnership. This exciting collaboration aims to produce a multitude of blockbuster films in the years to come, creating new opportunities for fresh talent and elevating Bengali language content to unprecedented heights.

With a shared commitment to excellence, the partnership will draw on the strengths of both companies, combining Jio’s cutting-edge technology and digital infrastructure with SVF’s rich legacy in Bengali cinema. Founded in 1996, SVF has a storied history of producing some of the biggest hits in Bengali cinema and has been at the forefront of the industry’s growth and development.

This dynamic partnership is not only focused on producing an exciting repertoire of films but also on creating high-quality content that will focus on wider distribution, spreading their impact and influence across the world. With an incredible line-up of over a hundred titles announced recently, Jio Studios aims to release an array of stories in various genres, including original web series and films, across multiple regional languages such as Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati and Bhojpuri.

This latest development is a testament to Jio Studios’ unwavering dedication to creating and distributing high-quality content, bringing viewers fresh and exciting stories from a variety of voices and perspectives. The partnership between Jio Studios and SVF Entertainment is poised to create the ideal platform to produce creative and captivating content that resonates with the Bengali audience.

Mahendra Soni, Director and Co-Founder of SVF Entertainment, expressed, “The alliance has marked a significant progress in 2023. This distinct partnership will broaden the horizon of creativity and contribute to the overall development of the industry. With a shared commitment to excellence, this partnership is set to elevate Bengali language content to unprecedented heights, taking the region’s film and entertainment industry to the next level.”

Expressing his thoughts for the collaboration with Jio Studios and the upcoming films, Shrikant Mohta, Co-Founder of SVF Entertainment, said, “The film line-up would feature highly skilled artists from Bengal. The announcement of their releases in partnership with Jio Studios was an exciting and momentous phase in Indian entertainment. Furthermore, the importance of storytelling taking center stage during the current era of explosive digital disruption, making this partnership even more meaningful.”

Expressing her delight on the association, Jyoti Deshpande, President – RIL Media & Content Business added, “The partnership between SVF Entertainment and Jio Studios is a powerful collaboration that seeks to create local language stories and take them mainstream. This vision is to contribute to the growth of the entire entertainment value chain, from production to distribution and everything in between. The SVF Jio Studios strategy is game-changing in that it will unlock value from incredible stories and intellectual properties that the two companies have banked in the past, present and future”.

The partnership between SVF Entertainment and Jio Studios is a mission-driven initiative that seeks to create amazing content made in India and showcase it to the world in an inclusive manner. It also marks a new chapter in their journey to showcase great stories and champion the creative excellence of incredible storytellers.

About SVF:

SVF Entertainment, Eastern India’s largest entertainment company has been instrumental in changing shape of the Bengali film industry over the past 26 years with its excellence in films, serials, music having business interests in Film Production, Television Content Production, Film Distribution, Digital Cinema, Music, New Media and Cinemas.


SVF started its journey with the first ever distribution of the cult Hindi film, ‘Bombay’. Later it produced amazing stellar content which includes National Award winning ‘Chokher Bali’, ‘Raincoat’, ‘Memories in March’, ‘Chitrangada’, ‘Chotoder Chobi’ and most recently “Gumnaami”, and critically acclaimed ‘Dracula Sir, ‘Ghawre Baire Aaj’, ‘Golondaaj’, ‘Byomkesh Hatyamancha’, ‘Ballabhpurer Roopkotha’ to name a few.  SVF has also been able to transfigure Bengali Television as it is seen today. Delivering incredible TV shows such as ‘Anurager Chowa’, ‘Behula’, ‘Maa’, “Prothoma Kadombini’’ garnered highest TRP ratings becoming household names.


Apart from Film Distribution and Television Content SVF has successfully ventured into other businesses as well – Digital Cinema (Qube), Cinemas, Music and now New Media, with hoichoi, the one stop destination for streaming Bengali entertainment, targeting Bengalis in India and the Bengali diaspora. Over the last 26 years SVF received huge love and this very thought gave birth to hoichoi, which is now a leading regional OTT in just 6 years of existence.


Jio Studios, the media and content arm of Reliance Industries Limited was set up in 2018 to build a pure play content studio focused on developing, producing, and owning intellectual property in films, web series and other content in Hindi and all other major Indian languages. It is the largest studio by far in terms of number of content assets produced, with critical acclaim not far behind with 16 films and web series of Jio Studios sweeping over 100 awards in India and internationally in the last five years. Jio Studios is designed to be the key catalyst that powers Jio’s distribution platforms and services with world class entertainment content.

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