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Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla 2025: Complete List of Winners and Highlights from the Grand Celebration of Bengali Cinema

The Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla 2025 celebrated the best of Bengali cinema, with Bohurupi winning 7 awards, including Best Film. Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Subhashree Ganguly took home Best Actor and Best Actress awards, while Biswajit Chatterjee was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. The event featured memorable performances and highlighted the artistic brilliance of Bengali cinema.

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Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla 2025: Complete List of Winners and Highlights from the Grand Celebration of Bengali Cinema

The much-awaited Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla 2025 took place on March 18, 2025, at JW Marriott, Kolkata, honoring the best of Bengali cinema. This star-studded evening celebrated the finest talents, exceptional performances, and the artistic brilliance that continues to shape the Bengali film industry. Here’s a rundown of the awards, performances, and memorable moments from the grand event.

Bohurupi Dominates with 7 Wins

At the forefront of the evening’s accolades was the critically acclaimed film Bohurupi, which won a total of seven awards, including the prestigious Best Film award. Directed by Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, the film also bagged the Best Director award. Shiboprosad Mukherjee’s stellar performance in the film earned him the Best Actor in a Leading Role (Male) award, while Subhashree Ganguly was honored with the Best Actress in a Leading Role (Female) award for her role in Babli.

Top Awards of the Night

  • Best Film: Bohurupi
  • Best Film (Critics’): Chaalchitra Ekhon & Manikbabur Megh
  • Best Director: Nandita Roy & Shiboprosad Mukherjee (Bohurupi)
  • Best Actor in a Leading Role (Male): Shiboprosad Mukherjee (Bohurupi)
  • Best Actor in a Leading Role (Female): Subhashree Ganguly (Babli)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Biswajit Chatterjee
  • Best Debut Male: Subhankar Mohanta (Mon Potongo)
  • Best Debut Female: Baishakhi Roy & Idhika (Mon Potongo & Khadaan)

Critics’ Choices and Special Mentions

The night also celebrated the Critics’ Choice winners:

  • Best Actor (Critics’): Anjan Dutt (Chaalchitra Ekhon) & Chandan Sen (Manikbabur Megh)
  • Best Actress (Critics’): Mamata Shankar (Bijoyar Pore)

Best Supporting Actor and Actress

  • Best Supporting Actor (Male): Sawon Chakraborty (Chaalchitra Ekhon) & Silajit Majumder (Ajogyo)
  • Best Supporting Actor (Female): Monami Ghosh (Padatik) & Tanika Basu (Chaalchitro The Frame Fatale)

Musical Performances that Captivated the Audience

The awards night wasn’t just about celebrating talent on-screen. A series of electrifying performances by top stars lit up the stage, adding to the excitement:

  • Subhashree Ganguly delivered a spectacular medley performance, bringing together contemporaries like Mimi Chakraborty, Monami Ghosh, Rituparna Sengupta, Koushani Mukherjee, and Jaya Ahsan on stage.
  • Puja Banerjee set the stage on fire with her dance to hit tracks like ‘Chadd Gaya Pyaar Ka Bukhaar’ and ‘Police Chorer Preme Poreche’.
  • Parambrata Chattopadhyay and Koushani Mukherjee teamed up for a show-stopping performance from their latest film Killbill Society.
  • Singini Chowdhury and Cizzy captivated the audience with their stunning performance on the latest track Ula La.

Industry Leaders Share Their Thoughts

The event was graced by renowned personalities, including Rajkummar Rao, Rituparna Sengupta, Mimi Chakraborty, and Jaya Ahsan, among others. The evening also saw the presence of major industry figures such as:

  • Mr. Rohit Gopakumar, Director of Worldwide Media and CEO of ZENL BCCL TV & Digital Network, expressed his appreciation for the talented individuals shaping the Bengali film industry.
  • Mr. Jitesh Pillaai, Editor-in-Chief of Filmfare, congratulated the winners for their remarkable contributions to Bengali cinema.
  • Sunil Agarwal, Co-founder & Chairman of JOY Personal Care, praised the collaboration, acknowledging the importance of celebrating both natural beauty and exceptional talent in the film industry.

A Night to Remember

The Joy Filmfare Awards Bangla 2025 wasn’t just a celebration of awards—it was a tribute to the outstanding talent and creativity that continues to make Bengali cinema an artistic force to be reckoned with. From its star-studded performances to the celebration of exceptional films and artists, the evening was a fitting homage to the visionaries who continue to redefine cinema in Bengal.

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