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JSW Launches Campaign to Celebrate Athletes’ Relentless Pursuit Beyond Victories and Setbacks

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JSW Launches Campaign to Celebrate Athletes' Relentless Pursuit Beyond Victories and Setbacks

Neeraj Chopra, Manu Bhaker, Men’s Relay Team Star in Rukna Nahi Hai Campaign

National, 18th July, 2024: With the Paris 2024 Olympic Games approaching, JSW Group has reignited its successful campaign, Rukna Nahi Hai. This new film delves into the mindset of Indian athletes who will soon compete on the world stage.

Campaign Launch and Content

Launched by Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra, the campaign includes a longer digital version and a shorter TV commercial. These will be broadcast on popular channels before and during the Games. The full campaign video is available for download, highlighting the preparation of athletes and exploring the emotional aftermath of competing.

The Film’s Message

The film portrays public perception of an athlete’s performance, celebrating their wins or criticizing their losses. It emphasizes that athletes should remain unfazed by either outcome, quickly returning to practice. Simple yet thought-provoking, the film underscores athletes’ unwavering determination and refusal to stop, no matter the result.

Creative Team and Featured Athletes

Conceptualized by Ogilvy and directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi of Good Morning Films, the film features both well-known and emerging athletes, including Neeraj Chopra, Nishant Dev, Preeti Pawar, Manu Bhaker, Manika Batra, and Muhammed Anas. Celebrity film star Ajay Devgn lends his voice to the film.

JSW’s Olympic Commitment

The campaign celebrates JSW’s association with the Indian Olympic Association for Paris 2024. Parth Jindal, Founder of JSW Sports, expressed pride in the campaign’s evolution from a slogan to a belief. He stated, “The film captures the essence of the athletes’ relentless pursuit. They are already champions. This film will inspire the contingent in Paris and every Indian supporting the athletes.”

Ogilvy’s Contribution

Sukesh Nayak, Chief Creative Officer at Ogilvy, shared, “The concept of #RuknaNahiHai is compelling and inspiring. This campaign brings alive the true essence of rukna nahi hai, portraying our athletes’ mindset where victory and setbacks are just chapters. It honors their relentless pursuit, making our country shine bright.”

Comprehensive Media Plan

The campaign will be amplified through a 360-degree media plan, leveraging TV, digital platforms, OTT, OOH, on-ground activations, and print.

JSW Inspire

Launched by JSW Group in 2022, JSW Inspire is an athleisure brand that sponsored Team India at the 2022 Commonwealth Games and 2023 Asian Games. It aims to provide top-quality, Indian-made activewear for both professional and aspiring athletes, matching global standards. The Official Team India Kit for Paris 2024 is designed by Aaquib Wani, who also designed the Indian Cricket Team jerseys.

JSW’s Rukna Nahi Hai campaign not only celebrates the athletes’ relentless spirit but also serves as a powerful source of inspiration for all Indians.

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