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‘Kaberi Antardhan’ is going to hit the standalone theaters and multiplexes across West Bengal on 20th January, 2023.

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Kolkata, 22nd December, 2022: The Kolkata based leading Entertainment Production House, Surinder Films, today launched the trailer of their New Year Special movie, ‘Kaberi Antardhan’ at Priya Cinema. Present on this occasion were the stellar cast as well as the crew members of the film, the National Award Winning Director and Actor Kaushik Ganguly along with the Superstar Prosenjit Chatterjee, Churni Ganguly, Indraneil Sengupta, Kaushik Sen, Ambarish Bhattacharya and Purab Seal Acharya.Shot amidst the picturesque scenery of North Bengal, this big screen tale is an engrossing Murder Mystery which will also weave a tale affection before the audience. The film is set in the turbulent times of the 1970’s emergency phase in Bengal. It will depict the appalling impact of the Emergency era on the young generation inhabiting in the remote, rustic lands and also the teething challenges encountered by the local police force to curb the disturbing Naxal activities of that time.”‘Kaberi Antardhan’ is a chronicle of an ordinary man’s quest to unravel the truth behind a painful death of an individual. The audience is going to experience the Matinee Idol, Prosenjit Chatterjee in a very significant role in this film. Other versatile artists including Srabanti Chatterjee, Churni Ganguly, Indraneil Sengupta will also be seen essaying prominent characters. It was really an enthralling journey to shoot amidst the heavenly landscape of North Bengal. We expect that the viewers will enjoy this edge-of-the-seat thriller’, said Mr Kaushik Ganguly, the Director of ‘Kaberi Antardhan’.

The movie begins with the sudden death of a Decorated and Senior Police Officer, Mr Mrinmoy Ghosh (played by Kaushik Sen) in his residence at Hatimara. Mr. Ghosh was an exemplary figure in the whole Police Department for his outstanding courage and excellent efforts in hunting down tirelessly the Naxalites, securing the normal law and order amongst the civilians.When a middle-aged bachelor, Arghya Sen (Prosenjit Chatterjee), who is an Art Teacher of Amartya, the son of Mr Mrinmoy Ghosh pays a visit to their house, the mystery behind the sudden demise of Mrinmoy gradually gets revealed. On his arrival, Arghya realises that not only Mrinmoy has been killed but also Mrinmoy’s innocent and beautiful sister, Kaberi Bhattacharya (played by Srabanti Chatterjee) is missing. With the support of the new officer-in-charge, Pritam Singh (Indraneil Sengupta) Arghya starts to unravel the mystery of Kaberi’s missing. A high voltage drama between Kaushik Ganguly in a never before role of a Police officer and Prosenjit forms the high point of the film.”‘Kaberi Antardhan’ is our New Year’s gift for the cine lovers. The film is an intense thriller laced with power packed performances by the entire starcast. After the success of ‘Drishtikone’ & ‘Jyeshthoputro’, this is the third time that Surinder Films is bringing Prosenjit Chatterjee & Kaushik Ganguly together and their onscreen combat is bound to be the most talked about affair in the days to come”, said Mr Nispal Singh, Director, Surinder Films.Kaushik Ganguly has written the script and dialogues while Chandrasish Roy is the Associate Director. DOP is Gopi Bhagat. Music is composed by Prabuddha Banerjee. Anindit Roy and Adeep Singh Manki are the Sound Designers. Subhajit Sinha is the Editor and Tanmoy Chakraborty is the Art Director.

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