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Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

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Kolkata, 17th July, 2023: Karnataka Tourism, renowned for its vibrant heritage, rich culture, breathtaking wildlife, pristine beaches, and thrilling adventure activities, enthralled visitors at TTF Kolkata 2023. The event, held at the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre from July 14th to July 16th, served as a remarkable platform for Karnataka Tourism to promote its heritage and wildlife with a spacious 100-sq mts stand.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

The Karnataka Tourism stand captivated visitors with a stunning representation of the state’s rich heritage and diverse wildlife. The stand showcased the iconic Mysore Palace gate, a symbol of the state’s regal heritage. Additionally, the structure of the Achyuta Temple, renowned for its architectural beauty, was prominently displayed, highlighting Karnataka’s spiritual and cultural significance.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

The Karnataka Tourism stand at TTF Kolkata 2023 received the Excellence Award for Best Decoration. This recognition reflects the stand’s outstanding presentation and creative design, further highlighting Karnataka’s commitment to providing an immersive and visually captivating experience for visitors.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

The stand effectively combined elements of heritage and wildlife, providing a comprehensive representation of the state’s unique attractions. By seamlessly integrating heritage and wildlife, the Karnataka Tourism stand at TTF Kolkata 2023 offered visitors an immersive experience, inviting them to explore the rich cultural tapestry and natural wonders that Karnataka has to offer.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

The Karnataka Tourism stand was inaugurated by Shri. Babul Supriyo, Minister for Tourism, West Bengal, in the presence of Mrs. Indiramma – General Manager, KSTDC, Mr. Manoj Kumar – Manager KSTDC and Mr. Manjunath – Manager Jungle Lodges & Resorts. The pavilion included various tourism service providers from Karnataka, such as Quality Holidays and Cars Pvt. Ltd., Crystal Inn, The Quorum Hotel, Roopa Group of Hotels, Coorg Cliffs Resort, The Silver Sky Hotels and Resorts, Mysore International Travels Pvt. Ltd., Sharmada Hidden Nest, VHF Resorts (Cintacor Island Resort), Lazdana Hotel, Manisha Naturopathy and Wellness, Mysore Taxiwala and Intersight Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. further highlighting the comprehensive tourism experiences available.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

During the event, the Karnataka Tourism delegation engaged in discussions with domestic tour operators, travel agents, and other key stakeholders. These interactions aimed to strengthen existing ties and establish new partnerships, ultimately boosting tourism to Karnataka.

Karnataka Tourism Stand Recognized for Best Decoration at TTF Kolkata 2023

Karnataka Tourism’s presence at TTF Kolkata 2023 underscores its commitment to showcasing the state’s extraordinary potential and captivating offerings. The event witnessed a remarkable response, with numerous visitors and trade partners expressing keen interest in Karnataka’s tourism offerings. With its incredible diversity, Karnataka remains a top tourist destination throughout the year, inviting visitors to revel in its splendid wonders. Whether one desires a leisurely beach stroll, a voyage through ancient monuments and palaces, or a thrilling wildlife experience, Karnataka’s tourism industry is poised to fulfill every traveller’s dreams. The success of Karnataka’s participation at TTF Kolkata 2023 highlights the state’s tremendous potential to attract tourists from Kolkata and beyond.

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