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Kolkata’s Triumph: A Story of Miraculous Recovery

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A Patient’s Struggle:
In 2009, a 51-year-old from Kharagpur underwent heart surgery, only to face complications later. His aortic valve replacement led to breathing difficulties, exacerbated by high blood pressure, diabetes, and the burden of multiple myeloma.

The Collaborative Effort:
Led by Dr. Subhendu Sarkar, Head of Cardiac Anaesthesiology at Desun Hospital, a multidisciplinary team tackled the challenges. Cardiologists, neurologists, and oncologists united to devise a comprehensive treatment plan.

Navigating the Storm:
Post-surgery, the patient’s condition deteriorated rapidly. A severe infection left him comatose, and he woke to find himself partially paralyzed from a stroke. Further complications surfaced as scans revealed compromised blood flow in his brain.

The Road to Recovery:
Despite the odds, Dr. Sarkar and his team refused to concede defeat. Aggressive treatment protocols, including potent medications and meticulous monitoring, gradually turned the tide. By day six, the patient showed signs of improvement, breathing on his own and regaining consciousness.

A Beacon of Hope:
By the ninth day post-surgery, the patient astonished everyone by no longer requiring cardiac support or supplemental oxygen. His resilience in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the power of collaboration and determination.

A Testament to Resilience:
Dr. Sarkar reflects on the journey, emphasizing the patient’s remarkable resilience and the tireless efforts of the medical team. This triumphant tale offers hope to others navigating their own health challenges, showcasing the remarkable achievements possible through perseverance and teamwork.

In the bustling city of Kolkata, amidst the chaos of illness and uncertainty, one man’s journey stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

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