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Launch of 18th Edition of the Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023) empowering the students nationwide

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Kolkata, 30th July, 2023: Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, proudly announced the launch of 18th edition of its Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023). With an impressive legacy of empowering students and fostering academic excellence, NSAT 2023 is set to embark on another remarkable journey. It is a highly anticipated annual examination that aims to motivate, reward and nurture the academic talents of young students across the nation. It serves as a platform for students from class 7th to 11th (Science) to compete at the national level by testing their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities among their peer group. With its rich history and unwavering commitment to academic excellence, NSAT has consistently provided students with opportunities to shine and unlock their true potential.

Launch of 18th Edition of the Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023) empowering the students nationwide

NSAT 2023 offers cash awards of over Rs. 1 crore, rewarding exceptional talent and motivating students to strive for excellence. With a wide reach covering 300+ cities in India, NSAT 2023 aims to touch the lives of students from diverse backgrounds, providing them with a chance to shine on a national platform.

This year, NSAT 2023 is going above and beyond to accommodate the changing times and needs of students. The examination will be conducted in both online (8th to 12th October 2023) and offline (1st October / 15th October / 29th October 2023) modes, ensuring convenience and accessibility for all participants. Students can choose the mode that suits them best, allowing them to perform at their optimal level.

Launch of 18th Edition of the Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023) empowering the students nationwide

The success of NSAT 2023 is evident from its growing popularity year after year. In the previous edition, over 2.5 lakh students enthusiastically participated, showcasing their academic prowess and dedication to learning. Keeping up with the trends, NSAT 2023 promises to surpass expectations and attract an even larger pool of talented individuals ready to make their mark. Last year over 5000 students registered from West Bengal.

Launch of 18th Edition of the Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023) empowering the students nationwide

Sharing this proud moment, Center Director of Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, Pritha Halder and Branch Manager Nayan Kumar Mandal said, “The 18th edition of NSAT 2023 is set to be bigger and better than ever before. NSAT 2023 will be reaching students of over 3000+ schools across the country and over 100 schools in West Bengal, providing a convenient and familiar environment for students to demonstrate their aptitude. The examination encompasses a comprehensive syllabus, covering subjects like Science, Mathematics, Mental Ability with questions that stimulate critical thinking skills. One of the highlights of NSAT 2023 is the opportunity for students to secure scholarships. With scholarships of up to 100%* available, deserving candidates can benefit from financial assistance to pursue their educational aspirations”.

With a legacy spanning four decades, the Narayana Educational Institutions has continuously raised the bar in the field of education by setting new benchmarks every year. The organization offers high-quality education that lays a strong foundation for students and caters to their individual needs to help them achieve their goals.

Launch of 18th Edition of the Narayana Scholastic Aptitude Test (NSAT 2023) empowering the students nationwide

About the Narayana Educational Institutions: The Narayana Educational Institutions is one of Asia’s largest and most well-respected education groups. The group has a vast network of more than 750 schools, colleges, coaching centers, and professional colleges across 23 Indian states. It has a team of more than 50,000 highly experienced teachers, R&D Heads, and Subject Matter Experts, in addition to the non-academic staff, who help over 600,000 students every year with their education, from kindergarten to post-graduate studies. The group also offers comprehensive academic programs and resources to help students achieve their career aspirations in engineering, medicine, and civil services, catering to the diverse vocational goals of career-oriented students.

Narayana IIT-JEE / NEET / Foundation Coaching Academy, Kolkata, coaches students for IIT entrance examination (XI-XII and XII pass), NEET (XI-XII and XII pass) and foundation (class VIII-X) and produces excellent results year after year.

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