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Max Celebrates #AmioDurga In Every WomanMax Celebrates #AmioDurga FINALE

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Kolkata, 7th October, 2023: Max Fashion’s #AmioDurga celebrates the Durga in each woman. The concept encouraged hundreds of people participating from different walks of life across the state stories of inspiration, true grit and inner power. The idea resonated with Max Fashions’ belief that Pujo symbolises celebrating freedom and empowering women across societies with the power to move ahead.
The contest ran wide across top channels such as social media, radio and other platforms where contestants recorded their stories & tagged #AmioDurga. Top 30 participations have been shortlisted, who walked the ramp with noted Tollywood Actress Sohini Sarkar.

“We believe that this biggest festival of the Bengalis, Durga Puja is not only about joy and happiness but to celebrate those stories which remain unheard, the celebration of those lives which can inspire and empower many. By and large every woman has a Durga within her who is strong, independent, artistic and pave the way as role models for our younger generation of girls so that can achieve their goals. Max is so proud to support them today and showcase their talents to the world,” said Mr. Rajib Mukherjee, VP Max Retail.

Max Fashions also recognised eight distinguished women who have made significant contributions in their field of work. Besides, this festive season, the apparel line also celebrated the childhood of the underprivileged children of – Joyjeet Das Memorial School through gifts and goodies bringing smiles to their faces. And not to forget, under the introduction of the brand’s new positioning, ‘Max Style Min Price’ we offer a wide collection for men, women, children, and Gen Z. The collection ranges from Contemporary IW, Fusion & our latest Cobalt Blue with Comic Culture graphic tees line offering a world of animation and movies. So let the celebrations begin at amazing prices starting from Rs199 onwards.

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