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Music Launch of Hemanter Aparanha Brings Captivating Melodies and Insightful Reflections

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Kolkata, 8th July, 2024: Hemanter Aparanha, the latest feature film by multiple National Award-winning director Ashoke Viswanathan, takes audiences on a poignant journey through love, loss, and the transformative power of art. The music launch of the film, held today at Avani Riverside Mall, Howrah, was unveiled by the cast and crew, including Ashoke Viswanathan, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Anusha Viswanathan, Satyapriya Mukhopadhyay, Gaurab Chatterjee (Gaboo), and producer Amit Agarwal.

A Mesmerizing Evening of Music

The event featured a mesmerizing live performance by Gaurab Chattopadhyay of Lakkhichhara and his team, including the talented Brinda Bhattacharya. Their captivating melodies set the tone for the evening and left the audience spellbound. The film’s music is a dynamic and dramatic exploration of life during the pandemic and the global tensions stirred by the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Director’s Insightful Reflections

Director Ashoke Viswanathan shared his thoughts on the film’s themes, saying, “Hemanter Aparanha explores profound themes of life’s complexities, reflecting on the dynamics of love, loss, and the evolving world we inhabit today. The narrative delves into themes of retirement, mortality, and the impact of global events, offering a thought-provoking cinematic experience.”

Producer’s Perspective

Producer Amit Agarwal expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “It has been an enriching experience producing Hemanter Aparanha. Gaurav Chattopadhyay has done a brilliant job. All the songs synchronize with the theme of the film. I am sure that the songs will connect with the audience.”

Actors Share Their Experiences

Actor Rwitobroto Mukherjee shared his excitement, saying, “I am thrilled to be part of Hemanter Aparanha, a film that beautifully captures the essence of life’s intricacies and promises to connect deeply with viewers.” Actress Anusha Viswanathan added, “My role in Hemanter Aparanha has been a rewarding exploration of human emotions and relationships. I am honored to contribute to this poignant narrative.”

Stellar Cast and Crew

Hemanter Aparanha features a stellar cast, including Anusha Viswanathan, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, and Satyapriya Mukhopadhyay in pivotal roles, supported by Bidipta Chakraborty and others. The musical score, composed by Gourab Chatterjee with songs by Lakkhichhara, complements the film’s emotional depth. Cinematography by Joydeep Bhowmick and editing by National Award winner Arghyakamal Mitra promise a visually compelling experience.

Produced by Amit Agarwal and Ashoke Viswanathan on behalf of Adarsh Telemedia and AV Productions, Hemanter Aparanha is set to release in theatres on 12th July, 2024.

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