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Music Launch of “Sada Ronger Prithibi” & Book Launch of Dr. Sohini Sastri: A Fusion of Art and Astrology

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The vibrant city of Kolkata witnessed a confluence of art and astrology as the music launch of the highly anticipated film “Sada Ronger Prithibi” coincided with the book launch of renowned astrologer Dr. Sohini Sastri. Hosted at the prestigious Glook venue, this event marked a celebration of creativity and celestial wisdom.

“Sada Ronger Prithibi,” directed by the visionary Raajhorshee De, delves into the harrowing reality of widow trafficking in India. Set against the backdrop of Varanasi, the film sheds light on the lives of widows whose existence is as colorless as their white sarees. However, beneath the pristine facade lies a web of exploitation orchestrated by nefarious criminals. The narrative takes a thrilling turn when a young police officer infiltrates a shelter for widows, risking her life to uncover the truth amidst political pressure and unseen threats.

The music launch of the film was a momentous occasion, with the cast and crew coming together to unveil the soul-stirring soundtrack composed by the talented Ashu Chakraborty. The melodies resonated with the poignant themes of the film, promising to enhance the cinematic experience for audiences.

In tandem with the musical extravaganza, the spotlight turned towards the literary realm with the book launch of Dr. Sohini Sastri, a luminary in the field of astrology. Hailed as one of the best astrologers in Kolkata, Dr. Sastri is renowned for her insightful predictions and profound understanding of celestial phenomena. Her book launch added a layer of mystique to the event, captivating attendees with the enigmatic allure of astrology.

Dr. Sohini Sastri’s expertise extends beyond traditional astrology, encompassing disciplines such as palmistry and vastu shastra. Her profound knowledge of the alignment of celestial bodies and their influence on human lives has earned her widespread acclaim and reverence.

As the music of “Sada Ronger Prithibi” reverberated through the venue, and Dr. Sohini Sastri unveiled her latest literary offering, the audience was treated to a sensory feast that transcended artistic boundaries. The fusion of cinematic brilliance and astrological wisdom created an atmosphere of intrigue and fascination, leaving an indelible impression on all who attended.

Presented by Adarsh Telemedia and Amit Agarwal, and produced by a team led by Sushant Sengupta, Shrravonii Pal, and Raajhorshee De, “Sada Ronger Prithibi” boasts a stellar ensemble cast featuring some of Bengal’s finest actors. With its compelling narrative and powerful performances, the film promises to shine a spotlight on pressing social issues while captivating audiences with its riveting storyline.

As the countdown begins for the theatrical release of “Sada Ronger Prithibi” on 23rd February 2024, anticipation is running high among cinephiles and astrology enthusiasts alike. This unique collaboration between the realms of art and astrology serves as a testament to the boundless creativity and cultural richness of Kolkata, reinforcing its status as a hub of artistic innovation and intellectual discourse.

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